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Yes yes, i know I write short stories, and Im sorry. I decided that this was just going to be a 3-part book, nothing more. But, as a thank you for reading this book all the way through, I will come out with a "box set," or, a combination of the three books put together in one, so it won't be a hassle. Thank you all again for your support, and I hope you've enjoyed this story.


As I watched in horror, I trembled, sinking my face down in my scarf. I wish this never happened. I wish we didnt have to deal with any of this, and I just...

"I WANT SANS BACK..." I whisper-yelled, hoping it would do something.

But sadly, it didnt.

I only knew one thing.

I was done for.

Suddenly, all three of us froze at the sound of another person's voice. "LET GO OF MY SISTER!" Just then, a shadow dashed into veiw, and tackled my brother, pinning him to the ground. When I finally got to see who it was, I was shocked.

It was him. The killer.

He was here to save us? But wasn't he the same one who wanted every monster dead? As I watched, anger flared the boy's eyes, my brother's power soon weakened, but just a bit. The demon gave a giggle at the boy, knowing something I did not.

"Oh Dipper, you think you can defeat your master?"

"You are NOT my master. If I learned anything from the Underground, Chara, it's that I was fighting on the wrong side!"

Dipper snatched thendagger out of Chara/Sans' hand, and was ready to pierce through his chest, when I screamed "PLEASE NO! YOU CANT KILL HIM!"

Dipper stared at me for a few moments, his expression undecided and unclear. Then, he looked down at my brother, staring at the power in his eyes. The boy gave a sigh, as he gripped the dagger tighter. "I know this is probably a no, but, do you trust me?"

I just kept staring at him, not knowing what to say. Dipper sighed as he looked away from me. "Chara."



Tears filled my eyes as I saw a hole puncture Sans' hoodie and shirt, and as the dagger sank deeper and deeper into him, my brother's movements slowed... Until he was completely still. "Goodbye, Chara..." Dipper calmly said as he dropped the dagger, trudging away. At that moment, I dashed forward, scooping my brother in my arms. "SANS! SANS, PLEASE WAKE UP!"

I knew he wasn't dead yet, because he hasn't dissapeared yet, but it looked like he was fading fast. I turned to Mabel, who just stumbled to her feet. "CALL DR. ALPHYS! SHE CAN HELP!" Mabel nodded as she dashed across the room to get her cell phone out of her bag, and leaving us alone. I sobbed as held him closer, pressing my skull to his. "SANS... YOU GOTTA WAKE UP! I CANT BE WITHOUT YOU, I JUST CANT! PLEASE! PLEASE WAKE UP!"

To my surprise, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck, hugging me back. "Don't worry Pap, Im here-"

"SANS!" I yelled hugging him tighter. "SANS! DONT YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!"

"Sorry bro," he said as rested his chin on my shoulder peacefully. The silence between us dragged on for a few moments, until a voice broke it.

"I-I-I'm here! Where is he? Is he okay? Is he still breathing- oh I see he is all taken care of." I set my brother down beside me, wiping the tears from my eyes. I was wrong. I wasn't done for. And everything was fine.


"YOU REALLY HAVE TO LEAVE?" I whined, patting Mabel on the head. She sadly nodded, fixing her eyes to the ground. "WELL THEN, HUMAN! WHEN YOU RETURN! YOU WILL BE GIVEN ALL OF THE SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT!"

"Thanks Pap-"

"Hey," Sans reached a bony finger out to lift the girl's chin. "Make sure you come back and see me, alright? After all, we still have the -"

"WHAT ABOUT OUR DATE! I STILL OWE YOU THAT!" Mabel giggled as she gave us one last hug. "Ill miss you guys too."

As the twins went to go board on the bus, my brother stopped Dipper. "Hey kiddo,"


"Take care, will ya? I don't wanna see either of you come back without the other, alright?" Dipper smiled a little, bodding before boarding the bus. I waved farewell as the bus left, but I stopped when I heard a sniffle come from Sans. "SANS? ARE YOU.... CRYING?!?"

"What? No, of course not, I don't... I don't cry...."


"Wait, no, it's okay bro I dont need any-"


"Heh... You sure are, bro..."

Annnd I know this was a really crummy ending. Once again, I thank you for all of yoir support over the series, your support will never be forgotten.

Determination Is A Plague: The Conclusion To A Gravity Falls/Undertale CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now