Chapter IV: New Friends

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There were four more people like me. Eternals. One has long black hair and was playing on his phone. For some reason I wanted to untie his shoes. Another was a girl with shoulder length brown hair, reading a manga. The other two looked like they were siblings, one boy, one girl. They were playing Yu-Gi-Oh. The boy had a shaved head and the girl had long orange hair.

"Ok everyone introduce yourselves," said Jacob as he went back to his game.

The girl with the book spoke first, "Hi, my name's Emma, and I'm Bellona, the Roman goddess of war. "

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said raising my hand for a handshake, " My name's Walker."

She took it and said, "I heard of you, you're the idiot that jumped off of the Empire State Building."

"Yeah... Can we not talk about it?"


I looked over to the two playing Yu-Gi-Oh, but Delilah shook her head and pointed to the guy with the phone. So I walked over to him and said, "Sup, what's your name?"

"My name's David."

"Ok, I'm Walker, nice to meet you, aren't you gonna tell me what myth thing you are?"

"Can this wait, I'm updating my Destiny story on Wattpad."

"I'd rather not wait."

"He's Mercury," said Delilah.

"Ok. Is he always like this?"

"Yeah, though he is a semi-good fighter. Ok now you can talk to those two," Delilah said as she pointed at the two playing Yu-Gi-Oh, "They don't like to be bothered while playing."

"Ok," I walked over to them, "Hey, I'm Walker. What's your guy's names?"

"I'm Jonah," said the dude, shaking my hand, "I'm also Ra."

"Hi," said the girl waving at me, "I'm Lucy. And I'm also Aphrodite."

"Aphrodite?" I said, "Isn't that the Greek goddess of love?"

"Yeah, and beauty, and pleasure. And I have all of her powers. Want me to prove it?" She said, winking.

"Oh, um..."

"I don't think you need to do that," Delilah said, glaring at her. It looked obvious that Delilah didn't like Lucy. I wonder if she ever stabbed her.

"Aww, you don't have to be so cranky Delilah," Lucy said, pouting.

"Oh, shut it," Delilah said annoyed, "come on Walker we're gonna see if Jacob has a mission for us."

We walked over to the changing rooms again.

"Jacob, is there any missions for Walker?"

"Oh, yeah," said Jacob, still playing his game, "I think there is. Let me check."

He took out a tablet and looked through it for a few minutes.

"Aw, here's one. It's a three person mission. Walker, David and Lucy will go on it."

"What?!" Delilah said, surprised, "why her, what about me?"

"Jealous are we?"

"What? Jealous? Me? Please, I just thought that she would distract him."

"Fine, I'll let Emma go with them."

"Uh, fine. Just make sure to tell Emma to not let Lucy get to close to Walker."


Delilah walked out and a few minutes later Lucy, Emma, and David all walked in. Looks like my first mission will be starting soon.

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