live #7

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It was here. The Annual Sk8 D8 Night had finally arrived.

Spring evenings weren't usually this chilly. Carter had to wear three layers of clothes, and Austin four.

Carter picked him up at 1830 hours, just as he had promised. He had brought a single white carnation, knowing they were A's favourite, and gave it to him before opening the door of the passenger seat for him.

They rode the whole way in silence, but it wasn't the least bit awkward. It was adorable if anything at all. Carter wore a pleased smile upon his lips, and Austin a nervous one. He was anxious, but he was also excited. He hadn't had a date to the Annual Sk8 D8 Night who he actually liked in a few years, and neither had Carter. He always either went alone, or sat at home, miserable at best.

They could both agree it was partially Jim's fault, but that was long ago. They both pushed the reminiscence away. Nostalgia really knew how to hit at the hardest of times.

They had found the perfect parking spot. Austin had put his skateboard and gear in the trunk, Carter had put his in the back seat.

Carter was quick to take his things out. Austin had to push around the things in the trunk, squinting to see what was where in the low light.

As he was rummaging through the junk in C's car, Carter impulsively grabbed him, spun him and kissed him. He had these random urges, and he didn't bother to suppress them if he didn't see any legitimate reason to.

Carter's arm supported Austin by the waist. Austin's hands were cupped around Carter's neck. It was cold out, and they were each other's only heat source.

When they pulled apart to breathe, Austin's lips curved upward into a smile against Carter's. It made him smile as well. Then they lip-locked once again, not seeming to be able to get enough.

After approximately two minutes, the bullhorn went off, indicating the night had officially begun. They broke apart gently, gentle smiles on their both their faces. Austin resumed finding his things, and Carter picked his up off the road. They made their way to the ramps shortly after.

The set-up was grand, as it was each year. This year it was a little bit more extreme, however. The ramps were bigger and higher, and there was more of them. Kids with all kinds of boards - bananas, decks, pennys - were skating all over the place, pulling stunts and flipping free.

They didn't split at first. They tried out all the new equipment the school had got specially for tonight, together. They took turns. Austin still had it in him, the skills he picked up years ago. Carter was a little less skilful, his stunts a little rusty, but they were still pretty impressive.

After that they split up to go and try everything they wanted to on their own. They decided to meet at the main ramp at 9:45 PM.

Carter got off his board at 9:44, and headed to the main ramp, not because they had decided to meet there, but because he knew that's where Austin would be.

True enough there he was, skating up and down, his moves clean and precise. He did it with ease, impressing Carter, just as he used to when they were younger. His technique was flawless beyond belief.

It wasn't until precisely 2147 when disaster struck.

Somehow Austin had slipped after turning and trying to make his way back up the high-end of the ramp. The grip on his board had worn out. His board flew forward, and he slipped and fell backwards. The bottom of his head slammed against the corner of the ramp, and immediately the white corner of the ramp turned crimson red, covered with Austin's blood.

His body lay there still, motionless. The colour seeped out of his face gradually.

"Fuck," Carter muttered, his lips losing colour, his body beginning to tremble. C began running towards him as fast as his legs could carry him.

He went straight for Austin's pulse. He placed two fingers on the vein in Austin's pale neck. It was growing weaker, but it was definitely still there. Carter let out a breath of relief.

The first-aid team were already there, beginning to put him on a stretcher, doing everything they could.

Carter's eyes glistened with tears. He kept telling himself Austin would wake up. He was sure of it. Blood meant nothing. He'd be fine.

The tears began flowing when Mr. Gamore said they had to get him into an ambulance and into the emergency wing of the nearest hospital. Mr. Gamore knew how close they were, and let him ride in the ambulance with Austin.

Austin was going to wake up, and tell Carter to shut up before he even had the chance to say anything. He was confident of it. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks like open faucets no matter what he was telling himself. The tears knew better.

He kept his hand enclosed around Austin's. It was cold, which made him cry even more, because Austin's hands were always warm. Always.

A male nurse placed a hand upon Carter's shoulder, and he started sobbing even harder.

When the ambulance came to a screeching stop at the hospital - the same one from three years ago - the nurses began hustling.

Carter couldn't move, his despair paralysing him. The same nurse who had sympathized with him helped him get out of the ambulance and into the waiting room, practically carrying him. He set him down gently in the chair. There was no one in the waiting room besides the both of them.

"Hey," the male nurse said softly, kneeling down in front of C. C held his head in his hands, sobbing recklessly. The nurse was Indian, and a hand of his was on Carter's right knee.

"Your friend is in surgery. I can't assure you he'll be fine, but there's nothing you can do, besides pray. We don't know just yet what kind of coma he's in, but we're working on it. Stay here, okay? There's a phone over there if you need to ring anyone," he said softly to Carter before stroking his back and leaving.




He heard Jim's voice echoing in his head.
"You do know this is indirectly your fault, right?"

"You're nothing but pain for him."

"Gay trash, that's all you are."

His eyes went on and on, every fluid in his body escaping through his eyes. His three layers of clothing were completely soaked, except for the brown leather jacket A gave him. He cried even harder as the thought crossed his mind.

He cried so much that he hadn't even realised he had cried himself to sleep right there in the waiting room. He sprang awake when a doctor tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"Do you want to see him?"

Carter jolted up onto his feet. He followed the doctor to the ICU ward where Austin was. His eyes started to tear again.

He stopped short when his eyes landed on A. He lay there still, the heart monitor beeping at a constant rate. His hair was brushed aside, and he looked like he was sleeping.

A slumber, 'twas all.

God, how he wished.

He walked over, and ran his fingers through A's hair. "I know you can hear me," he said, sniffling. "You're very much alive, I know."

"You'll wake up soon. I'm sure of it. Would you like more carnations? You know what, I'm going to get you more carnations. The hospital's already called your dad. He visited earlier, but I was asleep. The doctors told me. You're okay, Austin, you're still perfect. I love you, y'know? That's why you gotta wake up.

You can't leave me hanging."

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