Crack of light

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Bad things happen. But you know what? Nothing is impossible to move on from. Try to look at things from a bigger angle; pretend that you're the future version of you and you're remembering the bumps that you passed by, this will remind you that you WILL move on and that nothing is a big deal.

You should always keep in mind that nothing in life is worth our sadness or our worries. What matters most is how we handle things and solve them, after-all we are all sent to earth to fulfill a duty for about eighty years, so better use the best of it.

Never lose hope and trust what god holds for you, try to fill yourself in positive energy and positive thoughts, and do not ever give up, fight for what you want, and befriend your inner self and trust its strength.

Always remember that the people you're looking up to or consider them as heroes are humans too, so there's nothing that can prevent you from being your own hero.

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