We all reach a point where we feel all alone, like the entire universe is either conspiring against us or has left us drown in the ocean. We all reach a point where we feel that the more we try the more things get worse; people repulse away from us, our hopes and dreams are slowly degrading leaving us with nothing but despair and hopelessness, we feel like we don't have the energy to figure out how to swim in the ocean anymore, like what we have built up is turned into a pile of rocks.
There are billions of billions of people that have lived on this planet, and There MUST be people that went through so many hardships in their lives that no matter what we are sad about, they must have had worse situations, and they DID move on, they got to live there lives, so why can't we?!
The moment of change is the moment when we realize that the ocean we're drowning in is just a bath tub, and there's a whole big world out there, a world where you CAN do whatever you want, a world where you can fulfill your dreams, a world where you can be yourself.
This realization may take a while, but if we're insistent and determined we'll be able to see the truth, to see that when there's a will there's a way. In order to get out of bath tub we have to work and sometimes hard, but it is never impossible to get out, NEVER. A century ago they thought that reaching the moon is just a dream at night, something imaginable, but 5 decades later, they actually did.
A decade ago we thought of anything that works on a simple touch of a finger is something so electronically advanced that it is impossible for us to live in that enormous advancement, and now everything works on a simple swift of a hand.
Four years ago I thought I wouldn't make it out alive out of my major, I chose it because there were not many choices, now I'm a fourth year student extremely happy and have been six times on the honor list -Alhamdila-.
The future IS a mystery, things change so much over the years, people change too, and of course we-ourselves- change. Let that inner change be for the best, for the strength for the happiness and for the self rise.
All we gotta do is to draw a picture in our minds, a picture that describes what we desire in the future. And let everything we do from the moment we drew the picture to gear us towards our dreams, we might face some obstacles on our way, but we shouldn't sit there and stare at them, we should look for another short cut, release the hand-break and drive.
Diaries of a muslim girl
RandomMy life is my school, and everyday you learn something from it. I'll be jotting down any lessons I learned or simply a thought that I would like to share with the rest of the world :)