Why Me

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Yn's POV

the ride to my house was quiet , too quiet. My hand was twitching to just turn on the radio.

I guess Coach thought the silence would be better , but its actually making it worse. If music was on then I could stop thinking about what just happened almost 15 minutes ago.

I opened my mouth to ask can we turn on music when..

"I know its not my place but , you can file charges if you want" Coach told me , turning into my subdivision

"Yea I know , but I don't know what im going to do" I told her , pointing to the street to turn on

"Okay , well even though this is the last week of school , you can always talk to me" She said , pulling into my driveway.

I nodded and grabbed my bag , hopping out the car and walking up to the door. I looked up at my house.

Its nothing fancy. Two stories made out of brown brick. I liked my house.

Before I could get to the door , out ran my mother , who ran up to me and hugged me tightly , knocking the air out of me. I pulled away after a minute since I had to breathe , and looked at a tear stained mom.

"Lets talk inside" My mom said , grabbing my bag and walking towards the door.


[ A month later ]

I haven't talked to Justin ever since that day. Im still deciding whether or not to press charges. Maya and I have been hanging out more then ever.

Oh , and did I mention Prod is now my new boy bestfriend? We text almost everyday , since he has a busy schedule. We FaceTime and everything. And to my surprise , I have even FaceTimed all the boys one night. Never again though , I only hang with Prod.

"Yn!" My mom called from down stairs

"Yes!" I called back


"You have got to be kidding me" I mumbled , angrily getting up "What does she want?!"

I walked out of my room and ran into my little sister Mia. She had a Barbie doll in her hand and giggled at me jumping up and down before going in her room. Weird much?

I shook my head and walked down the stairs , meeting my mom at the bottom.

"Yes?" I asked , raising my eyebrow

"So , you see..." my mom trailed off , looking everywhere but me "prodigysentthreeticketstousfortheirconcertnextweekandyouhavetotakeyoursister" my mom said quickly

"wait what?!" I said surprised

"prodigysentthreeticketstousfortheirconcertnextweekandyouhavetotakeyoursister" my mom said quickly again

"no no , I heard you " I said shaking my head "but why do I have to take her"

"because im your mom and I said so. you can bring Maya" and with that she walked off into the kitchen

"f**k my life" I muttered

( if you didn't understand what the mom said , she said: prodigy sent three tickets to us for their concert next week and you have to take your sister )


[ day of the concert ]


I sighed angrily as I looked through my closet for something to wear. Im not getting dressed up that's for sure.

I looked over a Maya , who came over last night. She was putting on her clothes. Maya was wearing a black cut out bandage crop top with acidic high waist shorts , Grapes 5 , and a Mindless beanie.

I was wearing a Sally&Circle love tub dress with pink Toms and my hair was curled to perfection , as was Maya.

I wanted to wear sweatpants but Maya forced me to. Shes a great best friend .., sarcasm intended.

"Im ready" My sister ran into my room smiling.

Lil sis was wearing a long floral dress that stopped under her knees and some sparkly sandals with her hair in an upside down braid into a bun.

"Lets go" Maya said , grabbing our hands and pulling us down the stairs.

"Bye mom!" Maya said , running out the door and putting Mia in the car and going over to the passengers side.

"Yn wait" My mom said , making me turn towards her "Here"

"What's this?" I asked , holding up these 3 badges

"VIP and backstage passes" My mom said smiling at me

"Hooray" I said dryly , taking them and turning around

"And Yn , try to have fun" My mom told me "Please"

I sighed "okay mom"

I got in the drivers side , pulling out and heading to the MB concert.

"Just kill me now" I mumbled


I got there and parked , and we made our way to the front of the line , making the fans stare at us

"We are friends of Prodigy , he invited us" Maya told the man at the door

He didnt say anything , scrolling through this list

"Yn Yln?" he asked looking at me.

I nodded

He gestured for us to go ahead. We walked through and saw the stage and the boys in sound check

"Hey Yn and Maya" they called out , making their way over to us

"Hey" I said smiling , hugging them "This is my little sister Mia"

Mia waved shyly and blushed

"Hey Mia" they said to her , smiling

"So do you yall wanna go to our dressing rooms? " Prod asked

We nodded and followed them.

"This is it" Princeton announced , opening the door for us.

Maya , Mia and I sat down on the couch

"Lets play some games" Princeton said , breaking the silence


we played some games before the show , then when it was an hour away from showtime , people started running in and out. im surprised the door didn't get jammed.

MB came back after they got dressed and we sat on the couch until someone knocked on the door

"Your on in 15 minutes"

"Well goodluck" we told them , getting up since we had to go to our seats.

Mia tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge

"the door is broke" Mia said looking at Me and Maya

I moved her out the way "Mia you didn't push hard eno-"

I trailed off when the door didnt open. All of the boys tried but it wouldn't open either

"On in 10 minutes" the person called , knocking "Open the door"

"You open it" Ray called , still trying

"Unlock the door right now" A new voice said

"Its not locked" Roc said

We heard mumbling and I swear I heard the voice said "they're locked in"


Sorry if it was boring , i promise I will make the next chapter better. So what do yall think? Can Yall comment and tell me if Yn should press charges on Justin or not. I need 25+ votes and 15+ comments for me to update.

Lockdown With Mindless Behavior Love Story Starring YouWhere stories live. Discover now