Are You Serious?

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I just couldn't stand still as we walked to the gym. Like it's not everyday that you get to perform in front of Mindless Behavior. This was a once in a lifetime thing!

We finally reached the gym and I peeked through the window to see all of the bleachers filled up. Wheres Mb?

"OMFG Yn here they come" Maya said , pointing to the stairs by gym

I turn towards the stairs quickly and see the 4 sex gods coming my way. Oh lord does my breath smell like eggs? Is my make up messed up? Please tell me I look okay.

"Hey , you all are performing right?" Roc asked all of us

"Yes" Everyone said together

"Well we'll see yall soon" Ray said , winking at me

After they walked off I started hyperventilating and almost cried at least 3 times.

"Yn" Maya said , grabbing my shoulders and shaking me "Pull it together!"

"Okay girls you ready?" Miss Tiffany asked, coming from out the gym


"And give it up for WestLakes Dance Team!" Our Principal yelled into the microphone as we walked out and got into formation in front of Mb.

Oh lord I was standing directly in front of mb. What if I fell? What if I looked ridiculous dancing? What if I fart?!?!!!

My thoughts were soon interrupted as our music began. I took my time with the moves and made sure my jumps were nice and high. And just when we finished I blew Mb a kiss.

Everyone stood up and began clapping,  even Mb.

The dancers quickly walked out of the gym while they started dismissal for everywhere.

"Dance practice this afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp. " Ms. Tiffany yelled before walking up the steps and heading back to the dance room.

"Wanna go try and look for Mb"? Maya asked me with a devious smile on her face

"Yeah I just forgot something in my locker Ill be right back"

"Okay i gotta go pee so ima be in the locker room" Maya said, doing the pee dance towards the gym

I laughed and ran to my locker to get my purse and I was searching through my purse for my lipgloss when I ran into a brick wall.

"Ouchh" I said on the ground,  clenching my head

"I am so sorry ma'am" A big man said to me, helping me stand up "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No , no. Im fine" I reassured him, patting him on the arm and looking up at him "May I help you"

"Uhh , yeah. I kinda sorta lost Mindless Behavior and I was wondering if you could look around and if you find them just hand them their phones and tell them to call me" The big man said,  handing me four iPhones then rushing off

Wow, is he stupid or nah? I could easily ditch the job and go sell these and make a fortune. Ooor I could easily get on their instagram and let them follow me.

I decided when I see them ill just ask. I walked to the gym and seen Mayas bag laying on the bleachers. Dang, she's still using it? I set Mb's phones in there and then walked towards the locker room where I heard Maya singing prison songs.

"Maya" I said laughing,  pushing open the door and letting it fall behind me.

"Noooo!" She said,  running towards the door to try and catch it

"What?" I said,  trying the door but it wouldn't budge

"We are officially locked in here" She said,  somewhat sad

"Anybody else in here" I said, looking around

"Us" Mindless Behavior said,  walking out of the coaches office

Lockdown With Mindless Behavior Love Story Starring YouWhere stories live. Discover now