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Everyone had gone to stop Frisk from fighting Asgore, only to be captured by Flowey. Frisk stood their ground as their friends struggled, trying not to cry out in pain and frustration.

"Oh, two humans.~ This will be interesting!~" Flowey laughed, tightening his thorned vines on Alex. She screamed in pain.

Frisk pointed to Flowey.

"I'm sorry, what? I can't quite hear you!" Flowey smirked. "Neither of you can defeat me! But I'd LOVE to see you try!"

Alex growled. "Shut up, you stupid photosynthesizing, yellow-bellied, grass-eyed, dirt munching freak!!" She struggled, kicking as she tried to free herself from Flowey's vines.

"Ooohh! I'm soooo scared!!" Flowey made fun of Alex. He giggled and tightened his vines on Alex specifically.

Alex screamed, feeling her bones starting to crack and break from the pressure. A shooting pain flowed down her spine as Flowey stuck a thorn in the back of her neck.

Frisk stomped their foot and pointed their stick at Flowey.

"Oh. You wanna fight? You want me to let her go?"

Frisk nodded.

Flowey laughed. "Nope. You don't have a say in what I do!"

Frisk smacked Flowey with their stick. He growled.

Alex felt the vines around her loosen a little. She breathed heavily. Papy looked at her with worry in his eyes. "Human? Are... Are you alright?" He was a little weak, but he didn't let that stop him from making sure his friend was alright. Alex nodded slowly, making sure to save whatever strength she had left.

Suddenly, an electric shock ran through the vines. Everyone let out cries of pain and terror. The last thing Alex saw was Papy turn to a bright, pure white SOUL before her vision went black.

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