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Alex struggled to open her eyes when she woke up, especially her right. She kept it closed with little effort. She looked around and saw everyone starting to wake up. Frisk was near her laying face down on the ground. She scrambled back, startled. She realized it was them and sighed.

Alex stood up and looked at everyone. They were okay. Alex seemed to be the only one with any injuries. Frisk had a couple scratches, but nothing more. Alex felt a sting in her right leg. It was bleeding pretty badly.

Papy sat up and looked around. He spotted Alex and gasped. "Human! You're injured!" He got up and ran to Alex. "Let me see..." Alex smiled. She let out a deep exhale before collapsing into Papy's arms. "There, there... I can make it better." He put a hand on an open gash on Alex's leg. His hand glowed a gentle orange. "It'll hurt a little. Don't worry, it'll be quick." The wound closed and Alex screamed.

Toriel made her way over. "Who might this be? I have not seen this human around." She didn't recognize Alex. Her hair and clothes had changed since they met.

"Their name is Alex." Papy smiled as Alex settled down. "You haven't seen them because they were with us!"

Toriel chuckled. "I see... Well, it seems that the barrier has opened. Shall we wait for Frisk to leave the underground?"

Papy got excited. "It's down? It's down!" He laughed. "That's great! We'll get to see the surface!"

"My, you're a happy one." Toriel stood straight. "Well, I guess it's just the waiting game, now."

"Umm... Lady Asgore?"

Toriel giggled. "It's Toriel. What is it?"

"I need some help. Alex is pretty hurt."

"Of course." Toriel knelt back down and helped Papy heal Alex. They had trouble with her eye. "Hmm... Undyne?"

"Yo." Undyne made her way to them.

"May we borrow your eye patch?"

"For the kid?"


"Sure." Undyne took off her eye patch. She seemed to just wear it to look cool. Her eye underneath was perfectly fine. A different colour from the other one, but otherwise fine.

"Thank you." Toriel took the patch and gently put it on Alex. By this time, Frisk was starting to wake up. "Oh, Frisk is waking!" She stood up and looked at them.

Frisk stood up, noticing everyone staring at them. He waved.

"Hey, uhh... This isn't the best place to be takin' a nap, buddy." Sans chuckled.

"Yes. The barrier is down. We should head to the surface."

Frisk nodded. They gasped before running off for a little bit. They came back holding Flowey in a pot. He had his head hanging low. He mumbled a bunch of nonsense with some curse words mixed in.

"You wanna bring him with ya, bud?"

Frisk nodded. 

"Are you ready?" Asgore didn't really say much. He spoke occasionally, but was silent otherwise.

Frisk nodded again. Everyone looked to the exit to the underground.

Papy stood up with Alex in his arms. "Let's go!" He was obviously excited to see the surface.

Frisk smiled. They took Papy's hand and started walking. They were the first to go to the surface.

Alex groaned as the light hit her face.

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