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The monster had ravaged through the underground, killing all her friends and family. Everyone she knew and loved was now dead. Even those she didn't know where dead at the hands of this monster.

Alex stood before them, a red scarf wrapped around her neck and a blue sweatshirt with fluff around the hood tied around her waist. Determined to end this monster's reign of terror at the underground, to avenge everyone, to protect the humans on the surface, the child took a deep breath.

"Chara... You have been judged, yet you have not received the prope-"

"Alright, freakshow. Just shut up and get on with it." The monster smirked. It had the appearance of a human child, its red eyes gleaming.

"Fine then... For the sake of the human race... And to avenge the monsters... I wi-" Alex gasped as Chara lunged at her, aiming directly for her chest. She quickly stepped to the side. "What? You think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?"

*That's right, buddy! You fight 'em!

*Yeah! You can take them down!

*You've got this, Darling!

*I believe in you!

The voices of the dead rang in Alex's ears, cheering her on. She chuckled. Chara looked confused. "Stop looking so happy! I'm trying to kill you!"

There was a long silence before Alex spoke, a wide smirk across her cheeks. "But you're outnumbered."

Chara growled. "I am not! There's just you-"

"And the souls of everyone that you killed." Alex conjured up a light blue spear in her hands. "The fate of humanity and the rest of monsters rests in my hands. With that in mind, I will end you."

"Everyone else said the sa-" Chara cut off and jumped out of the way of a laser blast. "Nice try, but I heard the Gaster Blaster coming a while ago."

"NNGGGAAAHH!!" Alex cried out as she charged at Chara, holding the spear out. She grunted as the spear pierced Chara's skin. They chuckled, grabbing hold of the spear. Alex let go and it disappeared.

"You've grown stronger."

Alex growled. "SHUT UP!!" She charged again, a new, dark violet spear in her hands.

"Too slow!" Chara leaned in and stabbed Alex in the right eye. She screamed, stepping back as violet and blue-green flames sprouted from her eyes. She began to bleed heavily. "Where's your power now?"

"IN MY HANDS!!" Alex lunged forward, trying to punch Chara in the stomach where the spear pierced them. Her hand was covered in black fluid. The same fluid was mixed in with the blood pouring from her eye.

Chara leapt back after spotting the black fluid. "Are you serious? A freak like you with that kind of power?!"

"Oh, this?" Alex looked at her left hand, which was slathered in the black fluid. "If you're talking about the pure DT, I have no idea. Maybe it has something to do with me being human."

"But you're only part hum-"

"Eh. I stopped keeping track after I calmed down... So... Tell me something..." Alex wiped her hands off on her shirt, turning it dark.

"Why would I tell you anything?"

"Why not? Neither of us have anything to lose..." Alex took a deep breath, bringing her hands over the right side of her face. "Hell, I can't even heal... So I'm stuck... with this." She lowered her hands, revealing that the majority of the left side of her face was black. She laughed when she saw the fear in Chara's eyes.


*What the hell?

*Well that isn't fabulous.

*Human... Something's very wrong, here...

Chara growled. "Alright, what's the stupid thing you wanna know?" They crossed their arms, resting their knife against their arm.

"Are ya plannin' to reset this time? Or are ya just gonna finish and leave the world the way it is?"

Reset! reset!! Chara giggled. "I may just leave it the way it is now... If you kill me, that is. Hell, I've surprised you're even standing in my presence. Last time, just looking at me sent you into panic."

"I've seen some things since then... And I've grown stronger..." Three Gaster Blasters appeared behind Chara. "And I've been honing my magic." Alex snapped, conjuring up dark blue-green flames around Chara. She let out a high-pitched laugh as the flames closed in on Chara and the blasters fired.

Chara took the hits, letting out pained screams. holes were punched through their body and quickly cauterized by the heat of the flames. "W-Wait..."

*Kid, cut back a little!

*Whoa... Remind me not to make Human mad, Undyne.

*Don't worry. I will.

Alex grabbed Chara by the collar of their shirt, conjuring up a black spear. She pulled it back, ready to stab Chara straight through the heart.

*Alex, stop a sec!

"Please... Please, wait! A-Alex, it's me! Frisk!" Chara squirmed in Alex's grasp. "Please stop this!"

Upon hearing Frisk's name, Alex's grip on Chara's shirt loosened a little. She growled and tightened her grip again. "Quit lyin' to me!"

"I-I'm serious, Alex! Please, stop!" Chara started crying. "I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry... Please... Please forgive me. I-I didn't mean to hurt anything!"

*Something smells fishy, here.

*Maybe it's just you?


*Heh. Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Alex dropped Chara. "Reset."

"I-I... I will. I will!" Chara stood to their feet. "I-I just... have one thing to ask before you kill me..."

"What is it?" Alex kept her guard up. She didn't trust "Frisk" but decided to go along with it.

"Can you die for me?" Chara lunged at Alex with two knives, stabbing her both in the stomach and the heart. Black fluid poured from her new wounds. Alex made no sound, only smirking. Chara let the knives go and jumped back.

"The more DT you come into contact with, the more Frisk is able to fight back. Am I right?"

"What hinted you at that?" Chara stood straight.

"Your fear." Alex's body began to crumble away. "Oh... Looks like you did enough damage... Whoops." She took a step closer to Chara.



*Oh no...


Chara stepped back from Alex. "S-Stay back!"

"Oh, but I want to congratulate you for killing me." Alex smirked, stumbling a couple more steps forward. The top of left her head and her left arm had crumbled away. She stumbled a little more before falling onto Chara, hugging them with her remaining arm. Chara squirmed around a bit.

"Get off!" Chara sighed as Alex fell to the floor, covering them in black fluid. "One more thing..."

"What?" Alex breathed heavily.

Chara knelt down to Alex's level. "Say hi to Papyrus for me."


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