Daddy, Is That You?

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She looked at me with soft eyes and a caring smile.

“Nervous?”  Miranda asked. She was my social worker. I’d been in care since I was a little girl.

I answered admittedly, “yeah just a bit”. Miranda was so lovely, inside and out. I’d known her since my first day in care. I trusted her most in that respect. We had just got off the plane and we were on our way to meet my real Dad. I have no memories of him as I was 6 the last time I saw him. 10 years ago. Wow. If I had to try and uncover 1 thing although vague it was him crying at the hospital over Mum. Enough of that though, I don’t want to think negatively. Positive thoughts think positive thoughts.

“Taylor, are you sure you’re okay? Your breathing keeps hitching” asked my overly concerned social worker.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just a bit nervous, that’s all. Thanks though” and I truly meant it. I’d be lost without this woman. I suppose she’s been the Mother that I’ve lacked for the past 10 years; even though she’s only 12 years older than me.

We fell into a comfortable silence with the hum of the engine stopping it from being completely silent. As we pulled off the main road and into a little village all of my hopes of a quiet little neighbourhood were ruined this part of the town seemed horribly rough and it didn’t even seem like we were just passing through either. Rows upon rows of houses whizzed past. Some with broken windows, others with smashed and battered doors.  I was starting to get scared of where I was moving too and what sort of man my Dad was. Drug taker, dealer, both? Part of a gang, a thug? There’s just too much to process.

Just as all these thoughts were running through my mind we turned a corner and I never knew a change so dramatic before in my life. No more smashed windows and doors. No more dirty streets. Most importantly, it didn’t look like my Dad was going to be into thug life. This street was full of neat little front gardens with mowed grass and primrose and tulip borders. Little colourful picket fences and garden gnomes. The houses looked next to new and had a fresh lick of paint on them. As we drove towards the end of the road a huge house came in to view. As we neared I was able to make out exactly how beautiful it was. Marble steps and pillars a lovely gravel drive and water fountain in the middle of it. Over the to the right was a little garden much like the ones on the other houses. As we got closer still I could make out some grand gates and that the house was five stories tall. This was no house it was a mansion. A huge, beautiful mansion. If Dad lived here I think I may pass out. The pure shock of living in a beautiful house like this would be to over whelming. Just as that thought crossed my mind Miranda started speaking.

“Better perk up a little my love. We’re almost there” beamed Miranda.

As we came to a stop, I noticed we were outside that beautiful house. Miranda whipped put her phone and called Dad. She explained we were outside and she needed him to meet her there. As she hung up the gates started to open. Neat. Electric gates. As our driver parked the car on the drive a man emerged down the marble steps and started making his way to our car. Miranda told me to wait in the car. She went over him with a metal detector and had what looked like a stern chat with him. I could tell by some of their facial expressions. When they’d finished she then gestured for me to get out the car and join them.

“Taylor, this is Jason. Your Dad” Miranda stated. “May I have a look round your house and in Taylor’s room?  Just to make sure she’s in a safe environment” she questioned.

“Hey Taylor and yes of course follow me” Jason said as he turned and started to walk off. That’s my Dad. My Dad is beautiful. I’d say he’s about 6’4 in height and he was rather butch too. He had mousy brown hair that was spiked with gel and hazel eyes. His complexion was neither dark nor light but in fact it hit a happy medium. In a way he reminded me of Mum.

When we entered the house Jason removed his shoes. I took that a sign to take mine off too. So I did. Wondering further into the house made me fall in love with it more. The odd flat screen TV here and a chandelier there. I feel slightly like a princess in this house. Slightly is an understatement, very much so would be more fitting. Also it seems like it may just be me and Jason living here. No signs of a wife of kids, which suits me. I’m quite shy; it was hard enough re-meeting my Dad.

“Taylor?” Miranda said breaking my train of thought.

“Uh…yeah?” I stuttered. Had she been speaking to me?

“I asked if you felt safe here” Miranda said slightly amused.

“Um, sure” I answered.

“And do you want me to stay the night or do you think you’ll be okay?” she asked.

“I’ll be fine thanks” I said. Miranda turned to Jason and nodded.

“Wait here Taylor” Jason smiled. So I did. He led her out the house and to the car. They had another conversation outside and then Miranda was gone. Just like that she was alone with Jason. Should I start calling him Dad yet? Or should I wait? Hmm…questions, questions. I think I’ll wait a bit. Until we’re comfortable with each other and we’ve bonded a bit. Just then Jason rounded the corner.

“Taylor, are you hungry? Want to grab some lunch?” Jason asked.

“Sure. Thanks Jason. We going somewhere or eating here?” I asked.

“We’ll eat out; I’ve got my keys so let’s go!”  Wow this man is enthusiastic. We headed out the front to his car a BMW. Nice.  We both climbed in and when the doors shut Dad said, “And Taylor feel free to call me Dad whenever, okay?” I nodded and he backed out of the driveway and drove to a café called Costa. My life was starting to get back on track.


New story. Feedback? Dedication to CruisinBruisin for the lovely cover :)

~Robyn Jade

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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