House of Memories

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It was the afternoon and the sun was shining brightly outside but a boy sat by the window in the library with a look of despair upon his face. The girl he loved was being taken away because of some old family matters. How could they do that to him? Even now how? After everything that happened, how could they just waltz in and ruin his perfect life? It wasn't right, it wasn't OK, and he was definitely going to do something about losing his one true love.


"Hermione, where did you put my ties? I can't find a single one?" The boy screamed, coming out of their bedroom looking deshelved.

"it's not my fault that you're so unorganized that I have to go around cleaning this place up it's as if we were already married Draco!" she exclaimed, leaning against the kitchen island, reading. She was wearing shorts and a tank top, which were so casual yet she looked like a princess. His princess. He strode over to her with the classic "Malfoy" walk and snaked (HAHA no) his arms around her waist. He pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her neck.

"that would be nice wouldn't it? Mrs Malfoy? Nice ring to it" he whispered with his lips against her ear.

"Mhm yes I suppose. But that's only if I say yes" she said in a low voice "and you never know, I could drop out if this program and marry a muggle" At this he spun her in his arms and pushed her against the counter lightly.

"I don't like this idea. And you know I always get my way" he growled in a low voice. She looked up at him lovingly, with a light smile dancing on her lips. He picked her up and placed her on the counter. He stepped between her legs, which she wrapped around his torso. "You're mine" he said kissing her lips roughly, "Don't forget it. "

"I don't know Malfoy. I need some incentive." She smirked. He pulled her closer and kissed her lovingly. He began to pull back but she grabbed his tie-less collar and pulled him back in. He let go of her lips and placed his forehead to hers, looking down at the beautiful creature sitting before him. She brought her lips up to his, their tongues dancing in harmony.

The door swung open and 6 people stepped inside. Draco heard the squeak of the door and pulled away lightly. Hermione groaned and pouted, for she did not hear the door. She latched her arms around his neck and closed the distance between them once again and Draco's protest melted away. A throat was cleared as Hermione and Draco pulled away lightly and turn their heads to see their parents, the Minister of Magic, and the head mistress of Hogwarts had all seen the scene before them.

"Mother!" Draco exclaimed, a blush creeping into his face and his arms still circling Hermione's waist, "what are you doing here?"

"Sorry to intrude dears, but your parents had to see you urgently." Mcgonnagal said with a smile.

"Oh alright. What for May I ask" Hermione said, her hands still playing with Draco's locks. They were to be married, this shouldn't be a shock to their parents.

"I'll leave them with you to explain" Mcgonnagal said and left with Kingsley.

"Draco darling, your father has heard about your marriage and he does not approve. He does not care if she's a pure blood for her whole life she lived as a mudblood and he cannot see such a foul creature joining the family. Those are his words not mine as you know I adore Hermione as a daughter."

Draco's face registered with anger and Hermione lightly touched his cheek with her and as to calm him down. He pulled her off of the counter and hugged her. "I will not under any circumstances let him ruin my life. Our life"

The Zabinis spoke up. "We do not agree for what we did was for a good reason and if it meant keeping Hermione safe then we would let her live as a Muggle born for eternity But even though we do not believe in Lucius' empty threats, if it causes danger for Hermione in anyway, we cannot go through with this marriage."

"Mom! Dad! You cannot take me away from one of the first times in my life where I've actually felt wanted and loved. All my life people have kept away from me because I've been A Muggle born or because I was friends with boy wonder. People kept their distance because they didn't know what to expect and for once in my life I found someone who loves me for me I would not change a single thing about me. And I do not feel that I can leave the one person that I love most in this world." She said fiercely and kissed Draco on the cheek lightly. "and if you think that I'm scared of the man who is sitting in Azkaban prison then you were mistaken for I am the brightest which of my age and I know a thing or two about protection. He knows me as Granger  but he does not know me as Zabini. He knows me as a Muggleborn but he does not know me as a Pureblood. He knows me as a Gryffindor, brave and courageous, but he does not know me as a Slytherin cunning and ambitious."

"Very well but if he ever tries to hurt you, you have been warned and it will be your fault for not heeding our caution."

"I will protect her with my life because she is my life." Draco said lovingly to the girl whom he would marry.

The 3 Slytherins exited and Hermione was pulled to Draco's chest. He held her there, placing kissed upon her head. She would be okay. He would make sure of it.

6 people came in, but only 5 had left. The last was a boy under a cloak. And he had seen and heard all he needed to.


The boy who sat by the window in the library cried for what could happen to his beloved. He pondered about whether it was safer to let her be without him. As he sat there and thought about what could happen, A girl walked over to him and placed her arms around his neck. He knew just by the touch that she was safe. She placed her head on his shoulder and whispered to him. She said three words and those three words seem to make everything okay. OK for them for their little perfect lives. For their own little infinity.

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