Tell Me a Lie

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Song of the chapter: "Tell Me a Lie" by One Direction

"What do you mean Draco?" Hermione asked nervously

"Well, he was cheatingonyouwithLavenderBrown," Draco replied quickly


"Yeah. I caught them one night in a hallway in May after the school was okay and we all came back for a little. I had known you two had been dating so I told him that he had to either tell you about his fling with Lavender or he had to break up with you."

"Why would you do that Malfoy." Hermione spat realizing it was all just a game.

"Well if you must know HERMIONE, I have admired you since you had the guts to punch me in third year, and I have liked you since the Yule Ball in fourth." He said and then walked out of the curtain. She stood speechless against the wall, tears in my eyes.

Hermione ran after him to their common room and when she reached the portrait hole, Snape sneered at her. When Hermione asked him why and he simply stated she had hurt Draco. If Snape knew she had hurt Draco then that means he must be here. Hermione ran to his room only to find it empty and his window open.

She peered out the window and saw nothing on the ground but heard a light clank above me. Being her, she decided to see what it was. Hermione climbed out of the window up to the roof steadily but her foot slipped and she tumbled off the slanted roof of the castle. She quickly grabbed onto one of the many chimneys and looked for her wand, which was sitting on Draco's bedside table.

Her hand was slipping and she tried to hold on but Hermione Granger was not athletic and had no upper or lower body strength whatsoever. She was a bookworm, not a quidditch player. And, chimneys are a tough thing to hang on to. Suddenly, her hand began slipping and she began to fall. But before she could even drop two inches, a pale hand grabbed hers and pulled her up onto the roof.

She looked to see Draco had once again saved her. "Oh, Draco. I'm so sorry, I was mad and the fact that Ron didn't tell me he was breaking up with me because of Lavender."

"It's okay Hermione." He said softly, looking away.

"No, it isn't." She stated matter of factly


"It isn't okay that you bullied me for all those years to hide your feelings, it isn't okay that you had to pretend to hate me, and it isn't okay that I got mad at you."

"It"s fine Mione. My father made me do it because he said if the Dark Lord found out, I'd be dead. My father loves the idea of true love and even though he seems very grumpy and evil, he is actually a very nice and kind person. He only did it to protect Mother and me."

"I'm sorry"



"Stop apologizing. None of this is your fault so you might as well stop apologizing."

"Okay," Hermione said as she sat down next to him and snuggled into his side. He put his arm around her and pulled her closer. He looked over at her as if to ask if it was alright. She nodded and placed her head on his shoulder, sighing.

"What?" he asked

"The view is so beautiful."

"Yes it is." He says looking at her instead of the sky. Hermione blushed and looked away.

"Draco?" she asked meekly.


"We should do this more often."

"Yes, we should." She placed a kiss on his cheek and got up, grabbing his hand. With some grace and Draco's help, they both entered his room through the window. Hermione spotted her wand and grabbed it, saying goodnight while walking across the hall to her room.

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