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"And that's how your father and I met" Hermione said as she sat on the edge of her daughter's bed.

"What happened next? After Hogwarts? I can't wait to go to Hogwarts! I can go to Hogwarts right?" Sofia asked her mother, sitting up in her purple bedspread. Hermione reached over and held her 8- year-old daughter's hand.

"Of course you can go to Hogwarts. You have to be eleven silly. Why don't you go to bed and we'll finish the story tomorrow. A princess needs all her sleep" Hermione cooed at her daughter. She stood up, tucked her daughter into her bed, gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, turned off her fairy lamp, and closed the white bedroom door. "Sweet dreams my love"

"Did I miss it again?" A voice came from behind Hermione. She spun around and stared at her husband.

"Yes Malfoy, you did. Maybe try getting home at normal hours sometime. It might help" Hermione spewed and turned off the hallway light.

"I didn't mean to be late. I just had a lot of work and lost track of time." Draco pleaded, putting his briefcase on the ground and taking a step closer to his wife.

"Maybe if you spent less time screwing your secretary and more time working, you'd make it home in time to put your daughter to bed." Hermione said, turning away and walking down the hall to their bedroom. Flipping the light switch, their room was illuminated to show the large bed with a white padded headboard and two silver nightstands, one on each side of the bed. The jacuzzi could be seen through the door to the bathroom as well as the double-sink and large bay window. The closet door was closed. Hermione took a seat on white seat in-front of the bed. Draco sat down next to her, grabbing her hand.

"Mi, what do you mean? I am not cheating on you, especially not with Tracey." Draco pleaded, looking at Hermione. She refused to return the gesture, yanking her hand from his grasp.

"And I'm supposed to believe you? It's not like you haven't done this before. What's to keep you from doing it again?" She said as she stood up.

"Once Hermione, once. I was drunk and stupid and mad and and an utter fool and I made a mistake. That was 9 years ago. I thought we put it behind us."

"YOU CANT JUST PUT IT BEHIND US. YOU BROKE MY HEART. YOU BROKE ME" Hermione screamed, tears streaming down her face.

"I. MADE. A. MISTAKE. IM SORRY" Draco yelled back, his body shaking from the mixture of fear and anger. Fear of losing his wife and anger at his mistake, at his stupidity.

Hermione took a step back. She was not expecting this. "I think it's best if you sleep in the guest room tonight. I don't think I can stand another minute with you tonight."

"Yeah it's probably best. Can't let Sof know though because we're 'in love'." Draco said shaking his head and walking into the closet. "You know this is pure bullshit right Hermione. You're kidding yourself if you think faking it will work."

"Think about Sofia. Think about what people will think. Think about the headlines"

"I don't give a rats ass about headlines or people. I am so done with only caring about how we look to others. Our marriage is breaking. And instead of trying to fix it, you are just acting as if everything's ok to keep up appearances."

"One of us has to. I just picked up the slack. I'll talk to you in the morning" Hermione said as she settled into bed.

"I'm making an appointment with Dr. Lightwood and calling in sick tomorrow."

"I have a board meeting for the garden gala and a co-chair lunch for the historical society. Tomorrow is not going to work. You wanted a housewife, well you got one"

"I never asked you to give anything up. Fight for us Mione. Please fight for us. I'm not giving up on you."

"I have two hours starting at 8:30 but I have to be at the garden gala planning meeting by 11. And I have to be home by 3:30 because Sof is getting home at 4 and I want to be here for her."

"Sounds good. And don't worry we will be home by 3. And we can pick Sof up and get ice cream or something." Draco said walking out of the door and to the guest room. As both laid in their respective beds, they were shocked at what their lives had become.

Hermione laid in their bed under the blue covers crying. She missed her husband, she missed her Draco, the one from 8th year. The one before the fights. The one who only had eyes for her. She missed him and his love dearly.

Draco stood in the doorframe and watched his wife. He stood there for a while, watching his wife finally slip into slumber with a somber look on his face. If only he hadn't made a mistake 9 years ago. If only the universe were a little less cruel. If only he could go back in time and fix everything. But if only didn't fix these kinds of mistakes. Even Draco knew that. He walked into the room and leaned over the bed and placed a kiss on his wife's head. Her eyelids fluttered and she snuggled into his arms. He lowered his body on to the bed and held her close in his arms.  "I love you Mi. I have and always will. I am so sorry for all of this. I miss this, I miss you, I miss us. I love you so much, so much more than you will ever know. I'm sorry." He whispered and closed his eyes, falling asleep with the love of his life in his arms.

Hey guys. I'm taking it in a different direction but I'm really excited about it. Don't worry, more to come very soon. As always, much love. Also, please check out my new dramione, titled "a thin line between love and hate" which will be published sometime this week. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting and voting. Until next time.

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