Chapter 1

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My heavy breathing was the only sound heard throughout the dark and vacant ally while I ran as fast as I could.

I had no idea where I was, just ten minutes ago I was sitting at the bar watching my friend drink her sorrow away, but now? Now I was running for my life from a maniac who tried to kidnap me.

I stopped and leaned my back against the wall for support. I took deep breaths and looked around to make sure the man wasn't following me still.

I knew I shouldn't have gone to that club, I never wanted to in the first place. But of course I just had to 'let go' and 'stop being such a loner'.

At least that's what Kate thought, she just had to go to the opening of the new club in town. 'We wont even need our Id's!', she said.

So being the good friend I am I agreed, but only for an hour. But what was supposed to be an hour turned into two, which turned to three, and now I'm here.

My breath hitched as I saw a shadow reflect onto the wall infront of me. As soon as I heard footsteps in the distance I took my heals off and took them in my hand.

Then I ran.

Just as I was nearly into the open where I could scream for help, I tripped over my own feet onto the gravel.

Small whimpers came out of my lips as I tried to get up, I was soon silenced as the man was standing right in front of me.

His features now coming into view for the first time. He had a beard and dark brown eyes, with dark brown hair. He looked to be in his thirties.

I shook in fear, "W-what do you want from me?" I stuttered. He chuckled.

"Just some fun" he whispered in an attempt to be seductive. But in reality I found it disgusting, but before I can process anything the man pulled me up onto my feet.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" he says as he touched my chin. I flinched at the contact.

"S-Scarlett" I mumbled.

He hummed in response,"Well why don't you come to my place? You must be tired from all that running."

He smirked.

"N-no! Please!" I begged him.

He chuckled before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I tried to scream but he soon covered my mouth with his free hand.

As I looked around for someone I saw another guy who had his back against the club I was at with a cigarette inbetween his fingers.

But when his eyes met mine he didn't even flinch. He stood there with a smirk.

I can't believe he's letting me get kidnaped! I wiggled in his grip but his arm only tightened around me.

But soon I was dropped out of his grasp and on the gravel once again. I heard the man grunt in pain and as I looked at him he was doubled over on the ground.

I looked around to be met with a pair of honey brown eyes. He held his hand out to me, "Need a ride?" he asked.

It seemed I had no other option but to go with him. I took his hand and he pulled me onto my feet.

He pulled me along till we stopped infront of a motorcycle. He climbed on then handed me a helmet.

"Get on" he motioned to the back. I hesitated before putting one leg around the seat. I fixed my dress and put the helmet on.

"Hold on" he smirked.

I looked around, "T-to what?"

He chuckled, "Me" he said in a 'duh' tone. I felt so stupid, I slowly and awkwardly put my arms around his waist.

"I'm Justin" he stated before putting up his kickstand and starting the engine.

I just closed my eyes and hoped he wasn't going to kidnap me to. I sighed as we drove off and the club was soon out of sight.


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