
23 1 1

 “Umm.. Hi?” I said it coming out harsher than intended, but I didn’t care. He didn’t apologize to me in the taxi, and I couldn’t possibly think what he could want now. He was still dressed in a hoodie and glasses like before, and I could see small strains of blonde hair sticking out of the top of his hoodie. 

“Hey, I’d-“I cut him off before he could even finish his sentence. 

“How did you find where I live?” 

“I remembered where you lived from the taxi, and I knocked on every door until I found yours.”

Well that’s totally not creepy, because going up to someone’s door dressed like a kidnapper is completely normal.

“I’d like to apologize for how I acted in the taxi earlier. I’ve had a bad day and shouldn’t have reacted like that, if you’d let me take you out or something to repay you, I’d be happy to.” I just looked at him and laughed.

“No thanks, it’s enough you try to take my taxi. And did you honestly think I’d believe you? You clearly lied to my face earlier, so how do I know you’re not just apologizing to seem nice?” He completely looked at me in shock. I bet he expected me to just forgive him and just jump into his arms. He’s funny if he thinks that’ll ever happen.

“I’m really sorry” I rolled my eyes at his attempt to get on my good side. Apparently he didn’t get the message.

“Just leave and don’t come back, okay? Go steal someone else’s taxi and quit wasting my time” I turned on my heel and slammed the door not even bothering to hear his response. I wasn’t going to put up with people who thought they could be rude, and then apologize and expect everything to be just fine. Most people would say I was too harsh, but I’ve put up with people pushing me around for too long, and I wasn’t going to allow it to happen anymore. By the time I got back to my soup it was cold, and I was even more annoyed. I tossed it in the trash not even bothering to finish it. I went into my bedroom and climbed into the bed. I was going to change into my pyjamas, but I was too miserable and just said screw it, so I just fell asleep in the clothes I was in.

            It was Monday morning and I was walking down the street on my way to work. Luckily the rain had stopped sometime late Sunday night and I wouldn’t have to tote an umbrella around all day. Sunday I spent my entire day signing myself up for online classes.  They weren’t too expensive and as long I kept my job at Starbucks I would be able to pay for them. I was starting to almost fit in with the living in London lifestyle. London was a fast moving city, and I was having a hard time adjusting to that lifestyle. It felt like everyone was walking right and I was the only person walking left. Or that everyone was running and I was just walking. I thought I fitted in, but in reality I was an outsider. Everyone else was living their own lives while I was just building mine brick by brick. It was complicated trying to make all of the pieces fit in my head. I just hoped that it would get better. After working at Starbucks a week and realizing how it really functioned, I wasn’t excited to work, but I didn’t exactly have a choice. When I arrived I went into the back to get prepared for the long day. I pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail and tied my apron around my waste. It had just opened and people were already beginning to pile inside.

            “Hey Babe, you’re working the counter today” Bruce whispered in my ear and winked at me as he walked away. I smiled, but behind that fake smile I was mentally screaming. I had to keep reminding myself that I needed this job and that I couldn’t go up to Bruce and beat the living shit out of him. I went out into the actual restaurant and began running the counter. The line was already long and I knew that today would be a busy, long day.

            The long line had disappeared for the most part, and I was just taking the last few orders until lunchtime when the line would get long again. I was looking down at the register when the next customer moved forward.

            “Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?” I asked not even bothering to look up.

            “Mocha frappuccino with whipped cream, please” I cringed once I heard his voice and I knew exactly who it was. It was the guy from the taxi. I swear if I had a gun at that moment I would have shot myself in the face. I looked up ready to just flip out on the guy, but I was shocked when it wasn’t him. Instead it was a guy a little older than me. He had blonde hair with dark roots, and blue eyes that I definitely wouldn’t forget. I stared out at him for a moment trying to figure out where I knew it from. I nearly fainted when I realized who it was. It was Niall Horan. How did I not figure that out sooner? My sister’s friend absolutely loved their band. I had to admit that I had fangirled a couple times over them too. Don’t get me wrong, their music was great, but I was never the type to love bands like most people. I was tempted to say something, but I just couldn’t force myself to do it. I just nodded and began making his drink. The more I thought about it the more confused I got. How was it that he sounded so much like that guy from the taxi? Maybe their voices are alike, or I’m just imagining things. I couldn’t tell if they looked alike or not, because the guy from the taxi hid his appearance. I ignored the thought knowing that it could never happen. Why would Niall take a taxi when he can just pay someone to drive him around? I finished his drink and sat it on the counter. He paid and left just as fast he came. I could already see girls crowding outside the shop and I felt bad for him. He couldn’t even go out and get something to drink without being bombarded with girls. I guess that’s what happens when you’re famous.

                                 ****   Niall’s POV  ****

I was walking down the street trying my hardest not to get noticed by fans. I loved my fans, but I didn’t have any security with me, and sometimes they can get a little crazy. When I finally got to Starbucks I walked inside, and the smell of coffee consumed the room. I hadn’t gotten much sleep that night, because I was determined to make the girl from the taxi forgive me. I felt bad for not even knowing her name, but until I found out what it was, she’d just be known as taxi girl. I got to the end of the line, which was surprising moving faster than usual. When I got up to the counter, I looked at the menu, but just decided to go with my usual.

            “Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?” the girl behind the counter asked. I turned to look at her, but she didn’t look up. Her voice rang a bell, but I couldn’t quite put a finger on it.

“Mocha frappuccino with whipped cream, please” She froze for a moment before looking up and I’m sure my face went pale. It was the taxi girl. I couldn’t believe it. She worked here? I felt the fear suddenly hit me like a wall of bricks. What if she recognized me and figured out who I was? I didn’t want her to hate the real me. I really wasn’t like the guy I was in the taxi. I was having a terrible day that day because I was told I wasn’t allowed to leave London for five months, so that meant I couldn’t go home and see my family. We were recording songs for our new album. I really wished I wouldn’t have argued with her, and then she wouldn’t hate me so much. I tried to apologize, but I guess I really hurt her. She turned around and placed my drink on the counter. As she was ringing me up I really got to look at her appearance. She had long flowing chocolate hair and her eyes were a shade of greenish-blue. She was no doubt beautiful, but she had a mysterious side of her that I couldn’t understand. She’s the type that could be in a crowded room, but you’d only notice her, and I couldn’t figure out what about her made her so noticeable. She told me my total and I paid, but I really didn’t want to. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to get on my knees and practically plead for forgiveness. When she smiled at me I realized that she hadn’t recognized who I was, and that maybe I’d have a chance of maybe becoming her friend. She was so intriguing I just had to know more. I turned around and walked out the door, but the whole time I was stopping myself from turning around. I knew then that I’d do everything in my power to find out who this taxi girl really is.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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