Chapter 9

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Y'all keep annoying me with these updates 😂. Get ready for a little drama and some ☕️☕️

Kaya and Rayne in mm.

Excuse my mistakes ..




Kaya woke up to the blinding sun and adjusted her eyes as she tried to sit up.

She couldn't move when she realized that August head was laying on her chest and his arm was snaked around her waist.

She started to panic when she realize that he was only in his boxers and she was in a big T-shirt with her panties.

"August." She whispered shaking him trying to wake him up.

"Aug." She said again tapping his face.

He moved his leg down and Kaya notice the sprang that happened in his boxers because it also landed on top of her leg.

"Oh my god." She said as her breath got caught in her throat.

She heard chuckling and August picked his head up. "Mornin' love."

"You play too much." Kaya said smacking his arm. "Get up. Where is your extra toothbrush?" She asked forgetting she didn't have any pants on.

August looked at her long caramel legs and licked his lips when he seen a curve in the shirt she was wearing.


"In da bathroom, right draw." He said.

Kaya walked off loving the feeling of the white, clean carpet between her toes.

She came back into the room with a toothbrush in her mouth. "Face towels?"

"Middle cabinet."

August got up and picked out his attire for the day and decided to go take a shower.

He wanted to put on a little show on for Kaya.

August walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on letting the water warm up before he got inside.

"What are you doing?" Kaya asked.

"Whad it look like?" He said slowly pulling down his boxers.

Kaya froze and quickly turned around. She couldn't help but take a quick peek at him through the mirror.

August stepped out of his boxers and threw them into the hamper and chuckled.

He loved how innocent Kaya was. He love how she didn't throw herself at him like them other broads.

She was classy and independent. Not once did she ask him to spent even a cent on her and he just really knew she was the one for him.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted by beats being made on the door. He turned to Kaya.

"Can you get dat?" He asked.

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