10 doctor who moments that made whovians cry

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They're are tons of sad moments in doctor who. Counting down the safest moments in seasons 1-6. Don't give spoilers please I'm only on season 6

10- When river kills herself when the doctor (and we) doesn't know her yet

9- When you find out ossie is a dalek

8- When Amy blinks to reunite with Rory

7- When rose is transported to the parallel universe

6- When the doctor tries to say goodbye through and he keeps disappearing

5- When Donna had her memory wiped

4- When the doctor opens the watch even though he knows he'll no longer be in his human relationship

3- When older Amy waits outside of the tardis while the doctor and Rory rescue her younger self

2- When ten reunited with rose but then got shot by a dalek

1- tens regeneration to eleven

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