Chapter 6

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-Nat POV-

Once she had said all of that I was crying. She was terrified of that place so they must have really hurt her. Bruce rocked her off to sleep whilst I let the others in. I quietly explained to them about her past leaving out the last bit about how she didn't want to go back there. They all had tears in their eyes once I was done and Tony said, "But, it still doesn't really explain this morning." We all looked at him and realised he was right. Felicity' s small voice then interrupted us and said, "That's because you couldn't see it. We all looked at her tiny heartbreaker face until she said, "You have to know about them to see them."

She then whispered something to Bruce and he went in his coat pocket and brought out a kitten. When it saw Feli it jumped onto her. The kitten looked like it was checking her all over for any other hidden damage. Feli kept whispering something to it and the kitten stopped, newer at her and continued whilst Feli made a face. I asked Feli, "Why are you whispering to your cat. It can't understated you and you can't understand it." I tried to make it sound as nice as possible. She looked at me with a firm look on her face and said, "His name is Ace and actually I can understand him." We all tried to reason with her until I looked back to this morning at the zoo and remembered the lions. I asked her speaking over everyone else, "So how are the lions today." She replied back easily without really thinking, "Good but the youngest one is feeling a bit ill." She then realised what she said and put her hands over her mouth.We all believed her now and Tony asked, "What else can you do?" I tried to stop him but I couldn't. She didn't look offended though and plainly stated, "photographic memory, can turn invisible, I have very good agility agility and can talk to animals." With this said Tony and the others looked shocked.

Bruce said out of the blue, "I still don't get how you feed Ace." She gave him a look and explained, "Well you put food on your fork or spoon and then look like your putting it into your mouth. I then turn it invisible just before it goes into my mouth and put put back down on to the plate leaving it invisible. Then when I take my plate out I put it all into a sandwich bag and put it in my pocket invisible until I give it to Ace." She made it sound easy. We then found out it was only 4 in the morning so we all grabbed a blanket from a cupboard at the side of the room and went to sleep on the floor.

-Normal POV-

I woke up before everyone else and got bored very quickly. I decided to go and look around, so I left a note on the floor and walked off. I hadn't seen anybody yet so I wasn't getting worried that I would get caught.

I then came to a corner. I glanced around it quickly and saw 2 big people. I turned invisible and did my best radio voice saying, "All people to deck 1!!!" They both ran off nearly missing me, I then turned visible again and walked over to the door. It had some type of pad on it with a keypad. Being me I typed in loads of random numbers until it clicked and let me in. Inside was a big round room with no door. When I looked closer though I saw that there was a man in there. I slowly moved forward until I was nearly touching it then I said softly, "Hello," The man glanced up at me in surprise and stared at me. I had to tell him off for that so I said, "Didn't your parents teach you any manners?" He then glared at me which I thought was quite rude and said harshly, "I'm adopted and they don't love me." Aww how sad, but even I knew he was just making excuses. I then made him look at me and said boldly, "Now you listen. I am adopted as well. My old daddy sold me at birth to people who hurt me and my mummy died. Yet I still have manners and I know that deep down my old daddy loved me but he was very sad and couldn't think properly. I have also been hurt by people who I had to live with. They hurt me but no, I didn't try and get back at them. You have to be the bigger person. Because everyone has love deep down in their hearts."

He kept staring at me so I looked away and studied the room. I saw a control panel and ran up to it. "Now mister, I don't want any trouble from you when I let you out. You need to accept that everything that you have done wasn't right but, we are now going to fix that." He nodded his head. I now looked down at the buttons. There was a drop button which I don't want to touch as it didn't sound very good and a green button and a red button.

I then looked around for an instruction manual as everything has one. After 10 mins of searching I had found it underneath the thing. I looked at the index of buttons looking at what they said. Green button- Press button to open sealed container. Red button- Press button to close sealed container.

That was easy. I opened it and he didn't make a run for it. I looked up at him and saw that deep down he was truly sorry. I then asked, " So what is your actual name mister?" He laughed and said "My actual name is Loki the god of tricks. You can call me Loki for short." I smiled and said "OK" I then grabbed his hand and became invisible. I told him this as it freaked me out a bit when I realised that nobody could see me.

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