Chapter 24

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Summer flew by. I played in the Mianite server every day. Tom didn't try to talk to me at all. Actually he was acting really nervous and uncomfortable around me. When ever I would join a TeamSpeak channel to talk with Sonja he would say, "Uhh. I'll talk with you later Sonja." and then leave the channel. As for Jordan, when I needed to speak with Tucker and Jordan was in the same channel, he would always be rude and/or mean to me. I of course, talked back. Always speaking with this icy tone. Tucker started to notice it and asked me about it once. I replied with something along the lines of he deserves it. Tucker left it alone after that. Although, Jordan did avoid talking to me when he was streaming or recording which was nice.

    James was letting me take online school instead of having to go to a public school. I was so grateful for that. I haven't been liking being around people a lot lately. I mean, I liked hanging out with James a lot. We talked about games and music most of the time. My music taste was changing. I was listening to more bands now. Bands like Sleeping with Sirens and All Time Low. Today was my birthday, October 22. It was really nice to have my birthday in the fall. Especially since it was so close to Halloween, which is my favorite holiday. James likes it too. We decorated both of our houses in Mianite with cobwebs and other spooky stuff.

    I logged onto the Mianite server to find sign placed in front of me. It read:

Go into channel 2 on TeamSpeak and wait for something magical to happen.

    I hopped into the channel the sign told me to. All of a sudden my Minecraft character got teleported somewhere. I looked up to see a bunch of orange and black balloons on fence posts. In the middle of the ring of balloons there was a table with a cake on it.

    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIVER!!!!!!!!" a bunch of people screamed through TeamSpeak. It was so loud. All off a sudden a bunch of people fell from the sky. Sonja, James, Tucker, the wizards, and Tom? I didn't hear his voice in TeamSpeak.

"Oh my god! Guys!" I practically screamed. I was so happy. My birthdays are usually uneventful and crap in general. This really made me feel special.

    "Well, everyone needs to have someone wish them a happy birthday." Tucker said and I smiled.

    "Thank you guys so much. This really means a lot." I said. Everyone was crowded around me. I couldn't see through the mess of wings and tails but I did catch Tom out of the corner of my eye. He was standing back from everyone not saying anything. He was in the channel. I just shrugged it off and continued to talk with everyone else.

     "Hey guys do you mind if I take River away now?" I heard James ask.

    "Go on mate." one of the wizards replied. Everyone said goodbye and left the channel. All except for James, Tom, and I. Tom hadn't spoken the entire time. Usually he was quite loud at events like these in Minecraft, but not even a single word slipped out of his mouth this time.

    "River I would like it if you would come to the living room please." James said. I slowly got up from my chair and took my headset off. I walked out of my room and down the hallway towards that living room. When I got there I saw James standing there with a small box wrapped in wrapping paper with a bow on top in his hand. He had a card laying on top of it and the biggest grin on his face. I ran to him, pulling him in a big hug. We sat down on the couch and he handed me the box and card.

    "Happy Birthday River." he said as I opened the card. It had a picture of James and I on the front. On the inside it said: Happy Birthday to the sweetest girl I know. You are very kind and strong. Keep your head up and don't worry about those who hurt you. I have enjoyed having you around and I hope to have many more fun times with you. Love, James

    I was almost in tears. I put the card off to the side and opened the small box. Inside there was a necklace. The necklace said "Stay Strong". I was crying now. I hugged James for a long time. Finally when I calmed down a bit, I pulled away. I looked at James who had a big smile on his face.

    "T-thank you so much. This has been the nicest birthday I have ever had." said and I meant it. He could tell that I did too. For the first time in a while, I felt as if I was loved.

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