the drive

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hi guys! i got 2 votes and 15 reads in like 10 Min's !!! so thanks ! so I'm gonna do the next chapter i wanna say thanks to  Alyssa who made the cover ! its so awesome ! so  I'm including her in the story :) !! ok well lets get started ?!

Hazels POV

*BEEP* fuck off *BEEP* fuck * BEEP* OFF  , oh its my alarm i slammed my hand down on my phone to stop it , i rubbed my eyes and sat up staring out the window bored as hell , shit Niall's coming today to pick me up , oh maybe i can leave earlier and dodge him .. i looked at wrist to see a .. nothing? there was a marking there yesterday it must of gone down... oh well its now 6;30 gotta get up ! i get up and look for my uniform i threw somewhere yesterday ........ there it is ! i bring it to the bath room where i brush my hair and get changed and do my make up , just a bit of mascara , i race down stairs coz ima starving , i eat cereal and a banana ! the time is ... 7 ;45 i take that long?!  ok 15 Min's till Niall's here breath haze , breath .. i slip my shoes on and get my books for today then there's a knock at my door i walk slowly to it i open it to be greeted by Niall ... " hey babe you ready ?" Niall asked me " yeah ...erm one sec " i told him whilst searching for my bag that i magically lost in 5 seconds " er babe if your looking for your bag its on your back " Niall told me whilst laughing i blushed " ok lets go !!" i said whilst skipping out the door i wanna hurry and get to school so hopefully i never see him again! witch Will probably not happen because he knows where i live and has my number just fucking great " get in then you've been standing there for ages?" Niall said taking me out of my thoughts " oh right thanks " i said and hopped in i moved away towards the window but he still somehow put his hand on my knee i slapped it off this just made him do it again but a bit higher so i decided to leave it there " good girl " Niall spoke ,,, what  awkward turtle ..." so do you go to out school I'm guessing you do ?" i said witch was a bit of a stupid question hence him wearing his uniform " why yes i do " he laughed " so how many tats have you got ?" i asked him " turdy seven " ( i a/n i had to !!!!)  " wow how old was you when you got your first one " i asked him " 18 " he said " how old are you then ?" i asked him " 19 " he told me " oh.." i said " how old are you ?" he asked me " 17 but in a week I'm 18!" i told him " why are you still at school then ?" i asked him " i failed so i got held back " he told me as well laughing most likely at a memory " well here we are " Niall winked at me " bye thanks for the ride !" i said and was about to open the door when he locked it " i want a kiss on the check first " he winked at me " what ? no " i told him " ok lets sit in here all day " he said resting his feet on the dash board thing " fine ... god sake " i whispered and quickly kissed him on the cheek " aw thanks " he winked " yeah yeah " i said waving him off " ok well your sitting with me at lunch so meet me at your locker " he told me whilst unlocking the car " cant " i told him whilst opening the door and walked away " haze!!" he shouted i spun round " yes ?" i spoke " why cant you seat with me coz I'm not taking no for an answer " he growled dude .. he still a god .. no ? ok ... " detention " i told him " oh well i wait for you " he told me " do what you want bye Niall see ya around " i told him heading off to my form room where my friends would be waiting " ill be seeing you hazel " Niall said so i could hear 


" hey ! hazel!!!" Alyssa said giggling ..." hey AL" i said waving " where Nicole?" i asked " shes ill ... " she said whilst pointing to her stomach oh ... OH " shes pregnant?!" i shouted " WHAT?! NO , period pains dummy!" she said whilst slapping my arm " ohh ... sorrrryyy" i said sarcastly " come on guys lets go up " Mr jolly said but don't let his name fool you! hes the bost borninst and stuborn and stupidest teacher ever once it was 29 degress so i took my jumper off and he said to me to put it back on intil end of form so i refused thats why i got a det today 

End of form 

" see ya later chick at lunch yeah?" Alyssa said " cant det " i laughed " oh yeah stupid Polly " Alyssa said that's what she calls him Polly have no clue why ? " well see ya later love you " i blew her a kiss and walked to maths great " hello class..."


" great your here sit down then hazel .. chop chop stop scraping your feet and move !" miss tots yelled .... jeez woman I'm moving I'm moving " right sit " she told me " i will go get you some work she said and walked out i heard her stop and started talking to someone " and what are you doing here ?" she asked " mr rigs told me to look after the detentes , heres my note " i heard an irish accent .. crap niall great fucking great .." ok go in" miss said , thanks a fucking lot miss 

" hey love " Niall said i ignored him " hazel" Niall warned " shh I'm in detection !" i hissed he looked at me like i was mad  . I smiled inocently at him " fine .." he said and sat down next to me and rested his hand of knee ... " will you stop it" i said " lets get out of here " niall said whilst grabbing my hand and dragging me to stand up he dragged me up to fast so wnow were face to face , i looked at nialls lips .. no.. i backed away " lets go then " i smiled to him " lets go " he repated , we walked out his hand still in mine he wouldnt let me out of his grip .. every one gasped when they saw us " what the fuck ?" i whisperd " there just jelouse baby girl keep walking " he said whilst kissing my cheeck every one gasped louder " oh shuut up hes not my biyfriend he just wont let go of my hand " i shouted trying to get out of his grip one more time " come on princess lets go " he smiled at me " fine " i mutterd there was alyssa she mouthed " what the fuck ?" i just shruged and did the call me sign , niall was dragging me to his car " where are we going ?" i asked him " my house " he said whilst turning the car on " no were not " i laughed " well yes we are " he said " take me home " i said " no " " you can come in ?" i said to him he smirked " ok then " " not like that you perve !" i said playfully slapping his arm 

HEYYYYYY GURLL HEYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok well this chapters done i might update later again or tomorrow :)

bye guyssssss love you noodlez 

Not So Happy Ending * Niall Horan AU* IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now