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Oh my goodness guys ,I have not updated in ages, and I come back to 1k reads . I would just like to thank all of you and I will be Updating a lot now !

Hazels POV 2 Years later .


" I am done , completely done Niall." I huffed , My hot breath fanning over Nialls angry face .

" What ? No this is not a serious fight Hazel! We will be back to normal in five minuets right ? Right ?Hazel , Right , what about Lilly ..." Niall reminded me of our two year old baby who was sleeping peacefully up stairs .

" I'm going for a drive Niall , Do not follow me ." 


As I was driving down the road at 70 mph on a 30 interstate My phone started ringing .

Prince charming <3

I answered with hesitation .

" Baby I'm sorry , I shouldn't of gone out with her , without telling you ! She kissed me I promise you babe!" Nialls Muffled voice rang from under my seat .

I huffed reaching down to get it .


I screamed as i felt a massive impact on my chest .

" Baby?!" I heard Nialls voice before It went black.


*Nialls POV*

" No no no" I muttered picking up Lilly and rushing out the house .

I ran up to Hazels car once I saw it up ahead .

" Baby no don't go " I sniffed .

" Niall , I love you " She smiled weakly .

" Baby no , do not leave , me you can not leave me . Lilly , how is she going to cope , How am I going to cope , You have to rush through this , you will come out stronger right ? "

" Sir please step away " A guy in green said.

"No ! Hazel!" i shouted still holding on to my love , She is my world and no one can take her away from me and he God is dragging her towards him .

Tears  rushed down my face.

" I love you Niall , bring Lil to the ... Field when ever you want to talk to me ... or if you miss me ,  I love you so much .... Lilly i love you " 

" I love you to " I sobbed .

"I love you mama " I heard a quiet voice say behind us .

" Sir please! Move !" 

As they put her on a stretcher she waved weakly .

" I love you baby !" I cried .


She is gone , she is actually gone , forever , and I will never see her again ! 

Curse you God , You took my life my world ! She was in my arms and you took her right in front of me !

" Daddy is Mummy coming back ?" Lilly's sweet voice asked me .

" No baby ... She's with granny and granddad now " I smiled weakly .



"Shall we go to mummy's field ? " I asked Lilly I really needed to talk to Hazel .

Once we got there hazel went on the swing I had put here .

Hi baby  guess what ? its out 4 Year anniversary today , I was actually planing on proposing to you , funny that isn't it . Are you happy ? Do you miss me ? Do you miss Lilly?Do you miss US?

We sure miss you , Lots , Please come back , I miss you . I love you I would do anything to hug touch kiss , or even see you again!

I gotta go Lilly is calling me to play hide and seek , Good bye baby You are always in my heart 

For ever and always , Niall x

Hazels POV

I know what your thinking what your dead ? I am , I just Guess my spirit in here ? I can read Minds I just read Nialls speach . It had me in tears , I miss them so much .

" Mummy?" Lilly said looking straight at me .

Niall turned around in a instant and broke down in tears , Lilly waved and Niall blew a kiss . 'I miss you and Love you ' He mouthed .

" Hazel!" My parents voice boomed from up above , Heaven . Its a cool place but in Nialls arms are better .

I waved good bye and Blew a kiss ' I love you" 

As my spirts went above Niall broke into tears .

" I will never forget you " He shouted .

" And I too" I spoke in a hushed ghostly voice so he could hear me .

Good bye Niall , Good bye Lilly !

Not So Happy Ending * Niall Horan AU* IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now