should i ?+

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HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! hahahahah , ok hold up im gonna go get my dinner then write the story ,but that wont affect you coz when i update it , it will be done ..... blonde moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok hold back!!!!!!!! ive got 3 nutalla crumpets and a cartoon of apple juice :)  ok on with the sow ( i saw that  alot..)

Hazel POV 

1 month , of course Niall has tried to contact me , and of course Ive ignored it , yeah i told my brother , a promise is a promise , i still have a bit of a bruise mum questions it but i just tell her to stay the fuck out of my business , i don't want her to find out about this , i had to stop Jake charging out of the house to kill Niall with his bare hand  , much as i would love that , i couldn't let him , 

'within a minuted i was all packed up gotta ticket to another world i don't wanna go i don't wanna go ' my ring tone went off , yep 5sos!!! there so hot !! and amazing at singing!! but yeah Luke's the fittest , he follows my twitter ! he thinks I'm beautiful !! he wants to go on a date , but i had 'Niall' at that time so , im going to message him after 

" yellow" i said without looking at the contact " haze ! you need to open your door now and let me in , I'm getting chased hurry!!!!" Niall shouted and hanged up , I'm home alone , who knows what he could do .... I'm scarred as fuck! i grabbed my pepper spray mum got me , and held it in my hand i opened the door just in time for Niall coming running into my house , i locked the door quickly , Niall stepped towards me " don't touch me " i hissed , he ignored me and went to grab my arm , i got out the pepper spray " don't!" i shouted " hazel , I'm so sorry , you don't even though how much i hate my self " he whispered " not more then how much i hate you that's for sure " is spoke with pure venom "hazel , please i will never lay a hand on you again , give me a chance , i know i have anger issues , and i was stupid for getting jealous of your brother touching you , but baby girl i love you so much " he said starring into my eyes " Niall..." i said he stepped towards me i stood still" i wont hurt you i promise baby girl , do you forgive me?" he asked stroking my sore cheek " yes , but you have to make up for it " i whispered " i love you !" Niall shouted while kissing me " ..."i stared at him , he loves me ? " erm , what do you wanna do now ?" i asked , i don't love him alot yet , but I'm not going to say it ! " run away with me " he whispered , i laughed " what " " why do you want me to run away with you ?" i asked him " someone is after me , so I'm going to be dead in the next week or i will live if we run away now , because there after you to " he told me , feeling guilty for dragging into this shit " why are they after you , tell me everything and i . ill run away with you " i said , he nodded and gestured for me to sit " ok so basically I'm in this gang , I'm like the leader , so that means I'm in deep shit because of fights with other gangs and fdepts from , drugs , ok so basically there's 5 gands mine horan , tomlinson that's Louis , there's styles .. that's harry , there's Liam who is Payne he is on our side though , then theres zayn who is malik , erm he isnt on any ones he's with another gang that we've never heard of , so Liam is on our team , and Louis and harry are together , literally as well ( a/n NO HATE !! I SHIP LARRY SO I WANTED TO INCLUDE THEM!!) , that's why they hate us because a member of Liam's group made fun of gays i know stupid , but so they have hated us more and more for everything we do so now , Louis and harry are after our groups except zayns" he told me out of breath " ok , erm , so because Liam's group made fun of gays they want to kill you ?" i asked bewildered " yes basically , so are you going to run away with m e?" he asked " yes " i nodded , grabbing his hand leading him up stairs " what do i need to bring?" i asked him  " clothes accessories ,  charger and stuff /2 he said i nodded getting my suit case , i put in ; clothes , charger , life savings , monthly stuff , shoes , ect" done " Niall asked once i closed my suit case i nodded " wait!!!!" i shouted getting pen an paper i wrote Jake a note ' hey buddy ! I'm going to miss you , but i had to leave ok? i love you millions!!! i will visit one day ok? but promise you wont come looking for me ok? ill will miss our lazy days and our fun days ok... i love you , fore ever ' i left his on his bed ' dear mum , hi mum , I'm 18 so i left , i know i didn't warn you , but i am now , i cant tell you where I'm going , just promise me 2 things 1. you wont go looking for me 2. look after Jake , try and make your bond better ours was shit , but make yours better with him before he is forced to run away from this hell hole ok? i love you millions - hazel , always in my heart <3 ' i put that on my mums bed i was full on sobbing now i walked over to my mums box of memory's , i i wanted my teddy , i got mister hahahblublu , i know weird name , but its  a weird bear! " ok ready " i said , Niall grabbing my suit case we stepped out side , Niall got his car witch was parked down the road " good bye house " i sighed Niall beeped his horn , i walked to the car i blew on last kiss to my house and sighed "lets go " i said , 

DONE!!!!!!!! this chapter!! to be honest there only gonna be  like 15 chapters:) till next time , also please tell everyone about my story:)

Not So Happy Ending * Niall Horan AU* IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now