Questions Questions Questions

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Me: welcome back! And we have questions and dares. First question, Where's Candy? And I will combine it with number 3: Did I kidnap Candy. Candy is fine, I didn't kidnap her, she's hanging out with Pop at a 5 star pixie resort, and getting free things daily.

Kelsey: she's lucky! We are stuck here

Me: I'm not that bad

Chloe: you're not insane. I will say that

Me: thank you Chloe. And this is for April. Why do you still hate bugs after they saved you life

April: it's because they're so icky and the legs and the antennae I know they saved my life, it's just *shudders in disgust*

Me: ok and Emily you can read again

Emily: YAY!

Me: BUT you have to talk about how bad Peter Pan is

Emily: NOT MY BAE!!!

Everyone else: 0.0

Lily: that was... Strange

Me: just do it!

Emily: Peter is an insane rude person and I want to escape from his evil clutches

Me: that last part...

Emily: I was describing you.


Lily: I still have blue hair. I'm getting used to it.

Me: that's the spirit, next, Chloe is dared to jump into a random pool *snaps fingers and one appears* that one, with all of her clothes on, then walk to school, having EVERYONE look at her

Chloe: at least that will get this paint off. *closes eyes and jumps in pool* *surfaces* the paint is off *gets out and shivers* brrr let's just go to school.

-on the walk there-

Person: why is Chloe soaking wet

Person 2: it is freezing outside

Person 3: *laughs cuz he's a git/idiot whatever the heck you want to call him*

Chloe: that's brr not nice brr shut brr up

Person 3: don't get her angry *laughs*

Chloe: *runs into ally and transforms into Glitter Breeze* *blasts him with ice* please don't *continues on to school on ice trail and skates*

Chloe: *runs into ally and transforms into Glitter Breeze* *blasts him with ice* please don't *continues on to school on ice trail and skates*

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