Chapter 5

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"Wait you want to do what exactly?" Tsuna stares at me with a dumbfounded expression, his chopstick raised to his lips. The rice that was held within the grip of his chopsticks fell numbly back into his bento box as he continues to look at me with a questioning and concerned look.

"Why would you want to look for that bastard?" Gokudera voices his thoughts as he takes a sip of his soda. "He isn't exactly someone who is used to or wants to be sought out by anyone."

"Well he'll just have to get over it now won't he?"

"(F/N)," Tsuna says, finally regaining his composure. His face a little pale as he glances between Gokudera and myself before finally speaking. "Why do you want to do this?" He blinks like an innocent fawn as he looks over at me. "I don't want you to bite off more than you can chew when it comes to someone like Hibari. He isn't exactly an overly friendly person." Well if he was friendly and just like everyone else then none of this would have been necessary.

"I think I'll be just fine." I answer with a cheeky grin. "I can handle myself just fine."

"You were alright with mouthing off to an idiotic teacher but Hibari is a totally different circumstance." Gokudera says with a frown as he returns to eating his food. "He doesn't care who you are or what you say to him if you get in his way he will kill you."

My eyes narrow in thought, if that is truly the case then why didn't he do that the last time we crossed paths? The more I begin to think about it the more he begins to fascinate me. There is obviously much more to him than the other students can see.

"I promise that I'll be fine." I say confidently. "Now where can one usually find him?"

"Don't look for him!" Tsuna says desperately. "You're making a mistake."

"Well, I don't know about that tenth." Gokudera murmurs, looking over at Tsuna meaningfully. "This could be a good thing."

"What?!" Tsuna spins to face him with an expression of blatant shock.

"See Gokudera-kun agrees with me!" I shout in triumph.

"I don't know what is going through your head Gokudera-kun but I'm almost certain that it isn't good!" Tsuna protests fiercely as he glares at his friend, his lunch completely forgotten before him. "He will hurt her!"

"I can protect myself thank you very much." I grumble bitterly as I push around a small clump of rice with my chopsticks. "He doesn't scare me."

"You can usually find him in the conference room or on the roof." Gokudera says smoothly. A wide grin spreads across my face as the answer to my question suddenly appears.

"Gokudera-kun?!" Tsuna screams. "What are you doing?!"

"I'll explain later." He mumbles in response as I throw my arms around his neck in gratitude. He awkwardly pats my back a few times before I release him and rush off into the school. I can feel Tsuna's concerned gaze on my back but my excitement at finally discovering Hibari's whereabouts completely overshadow any sense of guilt I should feel.

My legs are aching from the sheer speed of which I am running. The dull ache of my ribs as my heart slams against them the farther I run. I don't even know why I am running to see him or why I have such a strong desire to see him. The mere idea of him should aggravate or repulse me but I don't feel anything of the sort towards him.

'You should just avoid him!' The memory of Tsuna saying that floats to the forefront of my mind as I slow to a halt in the middle of the deserted hallway. Could he truly be that terrible? True I have heard several haunting tales of what he has done to innocent people. Tsuna seems to believe him to be a horrid beast, everyone appears to fear him as such. The thought makes me frown slightly. It's true that he bested me in a word battle, which I am still bitter about, but I never felt anything around him that would lead me to fear him.

"Look who's back." That gruff voice from before hisses from the end of the hall. I turn slowly to see him and one other person blocking my path from where I came. "I was hoping I would see you here again."

"I suppose that it's your lucky day." I murmur softly as I turn away walking forward. My eyes widen slightly as two more members of the disciplinary committee step out from the shadows, blocking my path forward. They trapped me within the confines of this hallway.

"You have no idea." He sneers. His eyes flash maliciously as he stares me down. "I don't appreciate you getting the chairman involved." I remain silent as he approaches me. "You seem to get a lot of people involved in your garbage don't you? Trouble maker."

"I am not entirely sure what you think I did to get you in trouble with your boss, but it wasn't-"

"I don't want to hear your shit!" He snaps as he grabs a handful of my hair pulling on it harshly. I bite the inside of my lips to stop the squeak of pain that was threatening to escape me. "There is nothing that you could possibly say that would ever interest me." He sneers as he shakes my head sending rivers of fire coursing through my scalp.

A deep anger begins to boil within my core as he pulls on my hair once more. I glare up at him and see in his eyes the sick kind of enjoyment that only comes from a true sadist. His thick lips curl back into a vicious smirk as he watches my emotionless face. He is enjoying every damn second of this.

"Let go of me." I spit, my blood beginning to boil within my veins with such an intensity that it's making my skin tingle.

"And why would I do that?" He sneers, looking back at his friends with silent laughter at my demand.

"Do it!" I hiss. "Unless you want me to kill you." The anger I feel has reached its climax where I am so infuriated that I appear calm. My thoughts come clearly and coherently as I stare at these men and am able to see every single chink in their armor.

"You're crazy." He chuckles darkly. "There is nothing that the likes of you could ever do to me."

"Bad choice." I murmur to myself as I dig my heel into his foot. He flinches in pain and releases me. As soon as my hair is free I slam the palm of my hand harshly into his neck. He chokes and staggers away from me clutching at his throat.

"What kind of monster is she?!" One of the other boys whispers fearfully.

"It's almost like fighting chairman."

I completely ignore what they were saying and stride towards the choking, spluttering fool who was foolish enough to confront me. My anger wants me to kill him. To hurt him like he has countless others. He looks upon me fearfully as I punch him in the face making him fall on his ass. His eyes beg for me to not hurt him but my outrage overpowers me and makes me kick him in the chest over and over again until he loses consciousness and a small trickle of blood escapes his lips.

My eyes slowly drag themselves away from the boys fallen form to see that the other boys had all fled. They had left their friend to my mercy. What a bunch of absolute cowards. I sigh quietly as I take a small step back away from him, a slight wave of guilt washing over me.

"Are you satisfied?" I whirl around and come face to face with Hibari. Cool grey eyes are trained on my face intently as he stands a few feet away with crossed arms. "You look like you were enjoying yourself."

"That... That's not true." I whisper.

"Good." He murmurs. "There can only be one carnivore in this school." I look up at him with a surprised expression. His face is an emotionless mask as he turns away from me and trods through the hallway like an an avenging angel. A force of nature that I just can't help but follow.

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