Chapter 14

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"You have been rather gloomy honey." Mom says in passing as she runs a gentle hand over my head. "Is there something bothering you?" I simply shake my head in response. It's nothing that she would be able to comprehend or take seriously. "Is it that boy you have been spending a lot of time with?" She ask with a quirked eyebrow as she sits across from me at the dining room table. I sigh softly as I slide my schoolwork away from me and meet her expectant gaze. "So it is about him."
"Partially." I say softly.
"I never thought I would be talking about boy problems with you." She says with a slight laugh that makes heat rush to my cheeks in a sudden surge. "This is a first."
"It's nothing like that!"
"So tell me what has you so bothered?" She rests her face in her palm as she leans closer to me, her warm brown eyes staring at me intently with a gleam of amusement. "Could it be that you find this young man attractive?"
"Mom!" I shriek in embarrassment. "He's two years older than me and I'm more like an employee to him than anything else."
"You never denied my statement." She says with a smirk.
"Sweetheart, are you teasing our daughter again?" My dad calls as he walks into the room, his light blue eyes staring at my mom with blatant affection.
"Only slightly." She pouts.
"That is unsatisfactory. Allow me to aid you." He says with a smirk as he sits beside her, the feet of his chair screeching as they slide across the wood floor. I can't help but stare at him with blatant disappointment, two overgrown children are attempting to raise a child. This house is sheer madness! "So what are we talking about here?"
"Our baby girl is having boy troubles." Mom answers with a singsong voice.
"I never said that!" I snap. "I already told you, it is nothing like that!"
"Touchy." Dad murmurs to my mom.
"I heard that." I grumble bitterly. Anger begins to wash over me as my parents continue to tease and pester me with no end within sight. How did these two incredibly childish people produce me?! It's a miracle that I'm not as vapid as they are.
"What was his name again sweetheart?" Mom asks as she looks over at dad with an expectant gaze. "I know you told me it before, but it is currently slipping my mind."
"I recall that his last name starts with an H." He says with a frustrated expression as he tries to remember. "It's right on the tip of my tongue! I know his name, so why can't I remember?!"
"Don't worry yourself too much about it, my dear." She says soothingly as she rubs a gentle hand on his shoulder and upper arm. "It will come to you eventually."
"It's going to drive me crazy." I frown as I pull my schoolwork back towards me and start working on it once more. Hibari starts to float to the forefront of my mind, his silver eyes seeming to captivate me and making me lose my train of thought. My hand stills and the pencil slips from my fingers and falls with a clatter onto the table.
I wonder what he is doing right now. My chin rests in my palm as I stare down at my paper blankly, not even seeing all of the writing that has blurred before my eyes. He is probably still training right now. My eyebrows furrow in distaste as I think about the last week I have spent alone in the conference room. I know what he is doing is important, but I can't help but feel angry about it. I have been completely alone all week, even Tsuna and some of his friends haven't shown up for school. It would seem like everyone has disappeared from school to prepare for whatever dangerous circumstance that is rapidly approaching Namimori.
"Sweetheart?" Mom says softly making me blink in surprise, snapping me out of my train of thought. I glance away from my paper and look at the two concerned faces that are gazing upon me intently. A small frown is prominent on moms beautiful face as she looks upon me with sad eyes.
"What is it?" I ask with a voice as nonchalantly as I can manage. My lips force themselves to contort themselves into a smile which I can tell from the looks on my parents faces isn't very convincing.
"Please tell us what is bothering you." Mom's soft hand reaches across the table to cover my own. "You have been a shell of yourself these past couple days. We don't like seeing you this way. Please let us help you."
"It's not that simple." I murmur, returning my eyes to my schoolwork. "Believe me when I say that there isn't a thing that you could do to make this situation any better." A large hand covers my papers and slides it away from me harshly, sending papers flying into the air and onto the floor. "Why did you-" the words die on my lips as I look into the furious eyes of my father. I have never seen my dad this angry throughout the course of my entire life. The sight of it makes me uneasy.
"How do you know that we can't help you?" He snaps. "You haven't even given us a chance. We don't even know what is going on yet!"
"It's better that you don't know what's going on." I say seriously. "You'll be better off."
"You let us decide if we'll be better off not getting involved in this situation after you tell us what the hell is going on!" His hand slams down on the table making me jump from the loud sound it produced. "We are your parents let us fight for you."
"Dad." I murmur, tears beginning to prick in my eyes blurring my vision.
"I don't want to see you having that sad and distant expression on your face anymore." He says with a gentler voice. "It rips my heart to shreds."
"Dad I-" a loud buzz permeates through the room and all eyes instantly go to my phone. I glance at my dad apologetically before I pick up my phone. There is a new text message from a number that I have never seen before in my life. My eyes narrow suspiciously as I select the new text message.
"Where are you?" -skylark
"Who is this?" I type in response. "I don't talk to strangers."
"Sorry about that." I apologize as I look back at my parents. My dad waves it off and looks at me with a gentle expression that makes my heart ache.
"Please tell me that someone isn't hurting you." He says with such a sad expression that I can almost feel my heart begin to crack in my chest.
"It's nothing like that dad." My phone buzzes again and I grab it only to see that the strange number from before has responded to my response to their text. I tap on it and the message pops up on the screen.
"You know damn well who this is!" -skylark
"I actually don't." I text in response. I was about to place my phone down when it buzzed again. Well that didn't take long for them to respond.
"It's Hibari you stupid herbivore!" -skylark
"I don't buy it."
"WHAT?!" -skylark
"Hibari would never text me, so who are you really?"
"I told you who I am you stupid herbivore!" -skylark
"Prove it!" I respond viciously, my fingers flying as I type. I set my phone down on the table after I send my response. My parents look at me curiously, both blinking in confusion as they take in my irritated expression as I send scathing glances at my phone.
"So..." Dad says breaking the tense silence. "What is going on now?"
"Some creep keeps texting me asking me where I am and claiming to be Hibari." I frown as I cross my arms across my chest. "Which is impossible. Hibari hates anything requiring social activity so why would he suddenly text me?"
"Told you his last name started with an H." He says, playfully nudging mom with his elbow. "Is it possible that it is him?"
"That seems highly unlikely."
"And why is that?"
"Because I never gave him my number."
"He could have gotten it from one of your friends." My phone buzzes once more and I grab it without a second thought. I open the new response and feel my heart stop and my stomach plummet to the floor. "What is it?" Dad asks curiously. "You went pale all of a sudden."
"I'm so dead." I murmur.
"Why?" I turn my phone towards him. His eyes read the message quickly and he starts laughing. "Yep you definitely will be in for it." He says through his laughter.
"It's not funny!" My eyes snap back down to the text message that was just received. An image of an annoyed Hibari glares up at me from my screen with a small message typed beneath it.

 An image of an annoyed Hibari glares up at me from my screen with a small message typed beneath it

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"Proof enough you stupid herbivore?" -skylark
"I'm so sorry!" I type in response.
"Where are you?" -skylark
Before I can even type my response another text message pops up on my screen.
"Don't make me ask you again!" -skylark
"I'm at home."
"Come over." -skylark
"Hibari I can't."
"I didn't realize I was asking. It wasn't a request herbivore." -skylark
"Well, I'm sorry to displease your royal highness but I can't just drop everything and come over to your house, which I have no idea where it even is!" I send with a frown. A few seconds pass and my dad's phone buzzes. He scans his phone and a small smile dawns on his lips as he chuckles.
"Your friend appears to be texting me now." He chuckles as he glances up at me. "Looks like he would appreciate if you would come over to his house for the weekend."
"I'm not doing it." I say seriously.
"Alright, I will let him know." He says as he texts his response.
"Thank you." My phone buzzes loudly.
"Here is my address, and before you even attempt to argue with me your father already gave you permission to stay here for the weekend. Don't be late! I'll bite you to death if you are." -skylark
My eyes narrow as I look up at my dad's innocently smiling face. He blinks with such innocence that it almost makes me want to hit him.
"You traitor."
"Have a nice weekend sweetheart." He says with a grin.

   I can't believe this is happening. My bag bounces against my lower back slightly as I walk through the night towards Hibari's house. Stupid dad and his traitorous actions against me. He'll pay for this later.
   "Are you here yet?" Hibari grumbles into his phone making my cellphone rumble against my ear. "You're taking forever."
   "You've only given me five seconds since you've asked me the last time if I was there yet." I mumble irritably. "If you're going to complain this much I can just go home."
   "But you won't." He says confidently.
   "How certain of that are you?" I ask in challenge. "Because going home sounds pretty nice right about now."
   "I'm completely certain that you won't go home."
   "Sounds like your overconfidence is clouding your proper judgement."
   "Not in the slightest." He replies smoothly, his words flowing like silk over a curved surface. "My confidence has nothing to do with this situation."
   Wow, he actually took that seriously. I bite back the laugh that is looming behind my closed lips.
   "I should be there in a minute."
   "I see you."
   "What?" I pause in my progression.
   "I can see you." He repeats. "Why did you stop walking? You're almost there herbivore!"
   "Where are you?" I ask cautiously as I scan the area around me. There doesn't seem to be any sign of him around here, which only makes my sense of unease grow exponentially.
   "Nervous herbivore?" He teases through the phone.
   "Just tell me." I snap.
   "Hmm." He hums into the phone. "Nope." The call is ended with a click and I can't help but glare at my phone scathingly. What an absolute ass. Whatever, I'm almost there. Who cares if he can see me? It isn't creepy in the slightest... Oh who the hell am I kidding he has me totally scared out of my mind right now!
   "Just calm down." I murmur to myself. "He isn't going to do anything. He isn't creepy like that." I slowly walk towards the designated house that has the name Hibari on a plaque outside. "Looks like I'm here."
   "Boo." A voice whispers into my ear making my whole body collapse in fright. My breath comes in ragged gasps as I kneels on the ground with a pounding heart. "Is this what happens when you are caught by surprise?" Hibari chuckles from behind me, his shoes crunching on the gravel as he walks in front of me. He crouches down in front of me and brings his face to the same level as my own. "If so, I rather enjoyed that reaction."
   "I hate you!" I snap.
   "I think I can live with that." He replies with a smirk. "Because I know you don't mean it." His finger pokes my forehead lightly making me blink slightly. "Your forehead crinkles whenever you say something you don't mean. Makes you easy to read." He nudges me lightly making me fall back onto my heels making him chuckle once more. "Come on inside herbivore, unless you want to sleep in the front yard." He teases.
   "Shut up Hibari." I mutter as I walk inside with him chuckling behind me.

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