12 | Beach?

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I wake up my hair looking like I came out of 'The Grunge' at 6:59 am and got up to make myself a cup of tea. This is Waht happens when you binge watch 5+ kdrama shows in one siting.

 This is Waht happens when you binge watch 5+ kdrama shows in one siting

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I sit on my bed and looking out the window.The cloud thick and filling the sky. Looking at the beach I see Taehyung walking at the edge of the water and drawing things in the wet sand.

 Looking at the beach I see Taehyung walking at the edge of the water  and drawing things in the wet sand

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Watching him,  I walk out of my room and head downstairs

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Watching him, I walk out of my room and head downstairs.Entering the beach, I slip off my sandals and slowly and quietly walk to him.

He's wearing a green hat and a hoodie and a black shirt and was sitting in the sand swirling it with his finger like a child.

Dropping to my knees, I wrap my arms around myself trying to warm myself up.Slowly though I start walking behind before my hands grab his shoulder.


" Don't touch me."He says holding on to my hand whike he placed it on my lap. Taehyung was quiet today. His brown hair flew against the wind and his lips were pursed, like he was trying to figure out something.

" How long were you here?"I ask while he turns his head to reveal his flushed cheeks.

"An hour ago..now go away."

" You not my dad."I say abrutly sitting on the sand next to him.

"We will see. "He says grabbing my arm and leaned in close to me. His breath fanned across my face and I sorta felt like I was in a febreze commercial. ( I'm weird like that')

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