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~ a few months later ~

"Lin let's go, "I say to my sister as I take her luggage. Senior year had finally passed and Lin and I finally graduated our school. I didn't even hear about Taehyung after that day. He was so sent for the rest of the school year.

Lin was upset for a while, but got over her crush as she got accepted into a prestigious college in London.

We enter the big airport and Mom and Lin gets the suitcase into the boarding area. I look around waiting, admiring the marble dome that hung above the airport. The bright lights burned my eyes after all the gazing as I turn my head to find my ridiculous sister and mom.

"I'm going through check in-No Dad I don't need you to send me a freaking bodyguard okay." I hear a familiar muffled voice across the airport.

The voice gets harder to pick out from the crowd as I spot mom sighing at her phone. She taped away a few times before setting it in her bag before a deep worry line shows up on her forehead.

"In just a few days." She mutters to herself before Lin calls her and my name. In just a few days for what exactly.

"Mom I'm gonna miss you." she hugs my mother before whispering a "don't forget to send money-I love you!! " into her ear. She's really-

My mom, of course, takes the bait and cheerfully nods her head before squeezing her tightly.

Then she turns to me. We stare at each other for the longest time. I seem to hate her a lot nowadays. Her eyes gloss up as my mom begins to cry.

" I'm so sorry for everything Geyong. I hurt you a lot and you must hate me now. I know this won't do anything to fix this relationship we have but-" Lin's arms wrap around me.

"I will miss you."

' I will miss you ' yeah right.

"You know Lin? " I start as her eyes light up.

" Get a life and a job while you're in London."

I murmur before patting her back.I have to do it for mom at least. I look down over before spotting a small container filled with a clear liquid in Lon's pocket. Fake tears.

"W-what?" Lin growls as she pushes me off of her.

"You heard me. Now go enjoy your life in London." I smile before Lin glares daggers from hell at me.

"I'm glad I won't be seeing you for a while," she muttered.

" Oh and Lin," I call out as she turns her head. I take a step and get to proximity so mom wouldn't hear.

"Throw out your bottle of fake tears for me when you leave alright," I say before eying her pocket.

"That's the least you could do to truly show affection for your family. " Lin left finally as my mother and I waved.

Then I heard it again.

" Jungkook you're meeting me on the next flight, right? -okay Bye."

That was Taehyung's voice.

"Geyong! Come on I'm leaving to start the car." I nod anxiously before spinning my head around to see Taehyung's hash-brown like hair bouncing slightly from the crowd of people.

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