Camp Andalite

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CHAPTER 1: Camp Andalite: The Truth Comes Together.

The piano crashed down the steps as I walked down the ally in my favorite sneakers walking home at 10:30 at night. All of a sudden I heared a noise behind me. So I ran home in the old rain. When I got home someone was waiting for me at the door. It was some strange man with a golden headband with golden leaves on the side of it. Then he said "I'm here to bring you home" . I was in shock, i didn't know this strange man or what he meant by "i'm here to bring you home". Ashley thought. The strange man toke my hand before i slapped it, finally I wasn't in shock anymore. I found myself flying in the sky or I thought it was the sky. I found myself in some strange dark place with fire. 'Welcome Home". Ashley didn't know what this strange man was talking about I lived in New York City. "What do you mean by welcome home? Where am I and who are you"?.said Ashley. The strange man gave me a weird look then he said. "Well let me put you down on this bench and tell you the whole story and let me introduce myself I'm Hermes the messenger of the gods." Well Ashley your actually a demigod and your dad is..."

.Ashley cutted him off "What ! I'm a demigod it can't be" said Ashley.

"Your dad is Hades the god of the underworld and your here right now" said Hermes.

"Wait. You know my dad" said Ashley."Yes I do I message him all the time" said Hermes.

"Are you going to take me home well my other home" said Ashley.

"Don't you won't to see your dad" said Hermes.

"He's Here? said Ashley.

Yes he is i already told you that he is the god of the underworld and this is his realm and yours, well if you decide to go to camp" said Hermes.

"Wait, what camp am i going to" said Ashley."Well you're going to Camp Andalite a camp for demigods" said Hermes.

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