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Bath school
1927 45 victims
Virginia tech
2007 33 victims
Sandy hook elementary
2012 28 victims
Columbine high school
1999 15 victims
Red lake high school
2005 9 victims
Schools shootings
Senseless acts of violence
Innocent lives ruined
Signs were ignored
Nobody said anything
Estimated over 34,000 suicides a year
94 completed suicides a day
Eleventh leading cause of death for all age ranges
1 person attempts suicide every 34 seconds
These are all facts
Facts that we have become numb too
A sad reality that we have become okay with
Things that could have been prevented
People ignoring the signs
nobody said anything
It starts with one person
One person who decides it's enough
One person who can see the bigger picture
One person to take action
One person who isn't afraid
One person who is done with the violence
One person change to the world
One person to say something
- o.z

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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