Chapter Two

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(A/N Song on the side is called 'No Love' by Simple Plan.) 

Chapter Two – Mackenzie's P.O.V

My mother looked at my dad before she looked at me. "Y-You can't do that! You can't take my baby girl away from me." She fake cried as she fell onto the floor and pretended to be upset that I was leaving her.

My dad wasn't fazed by it though. "Quit the over dramatic acting Lauren. You clearly don't give to shits about Mackenzie." Dad retorted

Mum stopped straight away, shocked that someone saw through her act. "But...If she goes that means that I won't get any money..." Mum trailed off as she looked and glared at me. My dad noticed and he didn't like it.

"Why should you get any money? It's obvious where the money's going! Straight into alcohol and drugs. Well I don't want my daughter around that. Come on Mackenzie. Don't worry about your things we'll go to the store on the way home." Dad smiled at me as I got up and went towards him.

"You're not going anywhere, you little brat." My mum snapped at me before she went to hit me. My dad blocked her path before he turned around and picked me up into his arms. I snuggled into them as he carried me out of my room.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS ALEX! IF YOU TAKE HER, I'LL CALL THE POLICE!" My mum screamed at him. My dad turned around to face my mother

"Yeah and? I'll just tell them that Mackenzie's being neglected. She hasn't even got a bed. The house is freezing cold and full of rats and other vermin. Do you really think that Social Services would let her live in this dump?"

My mother didn't say anything else as my dad carried me down the stairs and I said goodbye to the hell hole that used I used to live in as Dad opened the door and carried me outside. He opened the door and strapped me in before he closed it and got in the car himself. He started the car and drove away from the house, my mother and all the bad memories.

Demi's P.O.V (A few days later)

Anxiety filled my body as I stepped off the plane with Natalie and the rest of my tour crew. I scanned the crowd with my eyes until I saw Alex holding a small child who I assumed was Mackenzie. She looked adorable as she clung onto her dad as if she was afraid that someone was going to take her away. Alex pointed at me as soon as he saw me coming towards him. Mackenzie looked at me, her eyes full of anxiety

I hugged and kissed Alex on the cheek as soon as I reached them. Mac didn't say anything as I turned to introduce myself. "Hey honey. I'm Demi I'm your daddy's girlfriend. It's nice to meet you." I told her honestly. She forced a smile on her face while she looked down at the floor.

I tried not to take it personally as Paparazzi started running towards us. I heard Alex swear under his breath as we both turned and ran towards the entrance to the airport, secretly hoping that no one would be able to take photo's of Mackenzie. But we reacted way too late because as we hurried to get inside the Paparazzi started shouting questions at us.

Alex why are you holding a child?

What's her name? Is she your daughter?

I could see the Paparazzi pushing against each other to try and get photo's of Mac. Mackenzie looked terrified as she looked straight at me while Paparazzi started to block Alex's path. "Here let me take her Alex." I whispered in his ear before I held out my arms. He passed her to me and as soon as she was in my arms, I ran towards the entrance and pushed past anyone that was in my way.

As soon as we were inside Mackenzie started to panic while she looked around the airport frantically as if she was trying to find someone. I was confused until I realised that she was looking for Alex

"He's coming Mac." I told her calmly as two teenage girls noticed me and came running towards me. Mackenzie clung onto me as they got closer.

"Hey ssh it's okay. I won't let them hurt you." I whispered in her right ear. As the girls reached me I smiled at them.

"OMG! You're Demi Lovato! I love you can I take a picture with you?" She asked me. I hesitated before I saw Alex coming towards me and Mac. Mac automatically reached her arms out to him as soon as he had reached us. He took her from me.

"I'll meet you in the car Demi." He said before he walked away from me.

Mackenzie's P.O.V

Alex carried me towards the car and strapped me into my car seat. He kissed me on the forehead before he closed my door and got into the car himself.

"So what do you think of Demi?" Alex asked me as he turned to look at me.

I shrugged my shoulders before looking down at the floor.

"Hey it's going to be okay. She won't hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you okay?" He told me.

I nodded my head even though I didn't believe him. People normally said those kind of things to gain my trust and then they used it against me.

As soon as Demi got into the car Alex started it. I looked out of the window and drifted into a daydream.

Mackenzie's Daydream

My mother opened my bedroom door and stepped inside. I could smell the usual smell of alcohol on her as she stepped aside to let someone else in.

"Mackenzie. This is Marcus." My mother slurred her words as Marcus grinned at me.

I didn't say anything, which made my mother mad at me. She came towards me and slapped me across the cheek.

She lifted my chin up so I was looking at her. "From now on, you are to call Marcus your dad. You have to do whatever he says. No matter how much it hurts okay?" I nodded my head, afraid that if I said no she would hurt me again.

End of Daydream

"Mackenzie we're home." Demi told me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I waited for Alex to help me with my straps before I got out of the car and ran towards the door.

(Authors Note) 

So quick question guys. Does anyone listen to the songs I post on here? Do you guys like it? 


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