Starting To See Things

172 11 5

Riley pov

"bye" i wave at amanda and robbie as they leave. There are the last pair.

I split the money with sandra and then order pizza.

medium cheese, medium sausage.

"hey sandra, im gonna hop in the shower real quick. can you answer the door when the pizza guy gets here?" i ask.

"yep" she answers popping the "p"

i nod and head for the bathroom, undressing myself carefully and testing out the steaming hot water. im about to get in when the bathroom light shuts off.


maybe the power went out?

i walk towards the light switch and flick it on. I stop and stare at myself in the suddenly foggy mirror. theres something wrong with my reflection.

i stare.

THE BOY! the boy from my nightmare! hes in my MIRROR!

i scream and whip around.

hes gone.


maybe a shower wasent a good idea. maybe a nap is better.

i turn off the water and grab my towel wrapping it around myself. i reach for the doorknob when i hear the shower.

didnt i turn it off?

i start freaking out a litle bit and struggle with the doorknob.

its locked.

and i cant get out!!


i yell. the lights flicker on and off. i hold the towel up to my chest and sniffle. thinking about my nightamre, for any clues justin might have gaven me.


i dont know what to say. so i slowly start with "hey justin".

the lights stop flickering and i feel a soft wind by my hair. i bite my lip.

"uhm. - *squeezes eyes* i - why are you doing this?" i ask outloud.

nothing happens.

"leave me alone you dont like me"  i hear.

i gasp and start shaking.

"thats not true" i say trying to sound convincibale.

"whatever" i hear him say.

ghost in my very first apartment?!

"can you let me out?" i ask.

"but- we barely- sure whatever, ill see you tonight i guess" he says.

i feel something brush past my cheek and then a wind followed by some other noise.

"what do you mean tonight?! this is my apartment now. your dead! your inside my apartment now" i yell.



the water starts running again and the lights come on. i sigh and shake my head at the mirror. this cannot be true.

i hold the towel tighter until my knuckles are white.

i can never have privacy.

i hear a loud banging at the door.

i throw the door open to see Sandra.

"are you okay?! whats wrong. are you okay?" she asks.

"i- um... no-...

a wind circles around me. and coldness. cant sandra feel that?!


"im fine sandra. erm. can i go change? ill be right back out" i say quickly spriting to my room and locking the door behind me.

i sigh big.

i wish i can tell her.

why cant i?

i mean me and sandra do live in the SAME apartment together.

and didnt derek come to speak to her?

did he?

if he didnt- why?

is sandra keeping something from me?

questions swirl around. all i know is that i dont have privacy anymore.

i stare uncomfortably at the wall. i feel no breeze. justin or derek are not here. or any of their ghost friends, if they died in this apartment.

i wonder how many have died in this apartment.

i dont even know if justin even has a twin brother named derek, im just assuming since in my dream he said so.

im so confused.

even though im frightened i have to ask justin all these questions.

 "dont worry. i wont look" i hear justin say.

"how do i know?! i cant even see you" i hiss back.

i feel a hard breeze then a thump. i look around the room then see a boy sitting on his butt.

hes about 19, 18.

and sexy, damn look at that 8 pack.

i bite my lip.

wait... what?! i shake the thought out of my head.

"who are you?" i ask.

"hey, im justin, justin bieber" he says.

"hey" i squeak.

"wheres your friend?"

justin gets up and walks past me. i grab his abs, purposly ;) to block him. but my hands go right through and i fall on my face. i get up and grunt quickly fixing my towel.

justin laughs.

"please, i dont think shes ready to see ghosts yet" i say frowning.

"why not?"

"well because- i dunno. okay? just wait until tomorrow and ill talk to her" i say.

"fine" he sighs sitting on my bed.

"hey, um quick question- erm... justin? do you have a twin brother?" i ask.

 "yes i do" he smiles.

another breeze sends a shiver down my spine as another boy appears.

i jump back, a little startled.

derek looks just like justin. exactly like justin. i bet i would mix both of them up.

"hello, im derek."

I wave shyly and turn to justin.

"you 2 look exactly the same"

"yea. except for our eyes." justin replies.

i look at dereks eyes, their hazel. while justins are like brownish greenish and blueish kinda.

i nod and just stare awkardly at them.

" i need to change guys so- if you would leave please" i begin.

"sure" derek says opening the doorknob.

"and guys- please. please dont show yourselves to sandra. help yourself to some pizza. make sure she doesent see you- but please" i say nervously.

justin and derek roll their eyes and nod dissapearing. i close the door and sigh.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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