Baby Sitting

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Riley POV

I scream and pull the blanket up to my face as the young boy comes to his feet. He walks over to the side of the bed.

"Hey" he says.

I shiver and scream under my blanket.

He grunts. "Youve never seen a ghost right?" he asks impatiently.

I dont respond.

"i died 3 weeks ago, Im justin"  he says.

I come out from under the blanket just a little bit.

"My twin brother is Derek, i think hes over there fucking your friend" he says narrowing his eyes to the room in front of mines.

"WHAT?" i ask.

Justin laughs. "Derek is polite, never does the first move when it comes to love. But takes his chance when he gets it, your friend probably asked for it" Justin explains.

A tear escapes my eye. He suddenly is behind me tucking a strand of wet hair behind my ear and sining to me with the most angelitic voice i had ever heard.

"im sorry. i guess its pretty frighting to see a ghost" he says.

I sniffle and start to feel a little comfortable with Justin. But weird.

He climbs into bed with me and sings to me again.

"shh. when you wake up, i wont be here anymore" he whispers as i fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up, to my loud alam, announcing the kids would be here soon. I stay in bed a bit not wanting to get up and think of my weird dream. I shut my eyes, wanting to know what happens next, but i know i have to get up.

As i grunt, i pick out a grey mickey mouse sweatshirt and some booty shorts, along with some white toms. I pull my hair back into a ponytail.

Your Outfit ~

I do my regular routine and shuffle into the kitchen.

Im about to finish my bowl of cereal when i hear the door bell ring. I sprint to the bathroom and use mouthwash. I gurggle and run into the kitchen putting my dish in the sink then back in the bathroom to spit out the mouthwash. I check my teeth. Perfect.

Just as their going to knock again i throw opent the door and smile at the kids.

"Good morning" i say bringing my eyes to the mother.

"Good morning" she smiles.

I smile at her and awkwardly stand there, then move to the side.

"Well, uhm come on in" i say.

The lady smiles at me and gives her children a little push. They come inside hanging on to her hand.

"well, this is Amanda and Robbie" she says.

"i know" i say.

Shit, did i just say that out loud?!

She raises a eyebrow.

"erm- i mean my mother used to take care of them... right?" i say quickly then smile again.


She laughs.

"yes, well sweetheart uhm i will be back for them at 4, i believe my husband dropped off their allergie paper yesterday" she says, putting her hand on the doorknob.

"yes mam" i say.

"okay, well i will be on my way" she says giving Amanda and Robbie a wet kiss on the cheek before sprinting out the door.

"bye" we chant.

I look at the kids.

"Well, you guys can put your lunches in the fridge. are you hungry? do you want some breakfast?" i ask.

They open the fridge door and shove their lunch in then push past my grocieries.

Well then.

They close the frige door after messing everything up.

"We already ate" they say.


I turn on the tellyvision and sit them in front of it.

"i will be right back to get Miss. Sandra. you kids be good" i say powerwalking down the hallway.

Well that was awkard. And stressful, i felt like a mother.

I burst into Sandras room. Shes already up and freshened up.

"What are you doing in your room?" i ask.

"i dunno." she shrugs, continuing to brush her hair.

"well, cmon Sandra the first pair of kids have arrived" i say.

"shit, really?" she grumbles.

"cmon" i say.

Sandras Outfit~

Finally, all the other kids arrive.

Becca~ 12

Amanda~ 7

Robbie~ 6

Maddie~ 3

Lilli~ 10

Becca and Maddie are siblings. Amanda and Robbie are siblings.

Sandra POV

i shut off the tv while Riley sets up a table full of activities.

Becca looks up from her ipod, noticing the tv is off. She looks at me.

"Hey kids" i say waving my hand in a circle.

"Hi!" they all reply, except for Becca. She returns to her ipod.

I stare a minute and then return to my accouncement.

"welcome to S and R's daycare. we have loads of fun prepared. But first...- *waves to Riley to come* we want to get to know you" i say. Riley walks next to me.

"So we are going to go around the whole group. You say your name, then say a thing you love to do, simple?" i ask.

They all nod eargely. Except for Becca.

I sigh at her and decide to just get her attention when its her turn.

"well im Sandra, i love to hang out with you" i smile at them.

"because you get money out of it" i hear becca grumble. i shoot her a death glare then return to smile at the kids.

"im riley, and i love to dance"

"amanda, i love food"

"lilli, sing"

"robbie, tv"

"maddie, colowring"

I look at becca.

She huffs. "do youy realy expect me to do this?" she asks.

I roll my eyes and nod.

"becca, i think technology is the best thing invented" she mumbles.

"ok, kids. Please proceed to the activity table and be free to grab crayons, papers. Anything that is on the table" riley says. Everyone jumps off their seats.

Becca stays on her ipod.

I sit next to her.

"dont you want to talk with the other kids?" i ask.

"do they have wifi built into them?" she asks.

i sigh. "no".

"then no" she says shoving her headphones in her ear.

i roll my eyes, tough cookie. i walk over to the table to peek at the kids  drawings.

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