f i v e ✿

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f i v e is it too late now to say sorry?

For once, I decided to clear my mind. We arrived at the studio my brother was currently in. They kept it a secret that I was coming back. William and Aidan, from what I heard, took it the hardest of my departure.

This can go two ways, really good or really bad. I was hoping this will be a more good thing. There was too much negativity going around in the house, and I just need something good to come out from this.

"Caitlin?" I heard a voice asked as I entered the studio.

"Aidan!" I screamed before running over to him and jumping into his open arms.

"My baby sister is back," he whispered more to himself than me as he hugged me tight. "Don't ever leave again."

Aidan and I grinned at each other when we pulled back from the hug. The class that was in here looked confused, but some of them recognized me as his sister. The studio was covered with artwork besides the big giant mirror.

I studied all the art in the room in awe. The art reminded me of William a lot. He was always an artist and this sort of looks like his work. Aidan noticed me looking at the artwork around.

"William painted everything," Aidan confessed. "After what happened, he just wanted to get his mind off of everything."

"It's beautiful," I replied softly.

Aidan resumed the class and I joined them. Aidan made me stand at the front of everybody since I knew the routine. Step. Step. There was a lot of footwork involved, but there was still a lot of arm motion.

"Can I get a picture with you?" a girl asked shyly stepping up to me.

"Of course!" I exclaimed before posing next to her for the camera.

I guess I should explain what I'm known for now. I moved to LA to attend a school known as Angels Academy. Angels Academy is a school that is for the gifted. In order to even attend Angels, you have to have a 4.0 GPA, have a talent, and do a sport.

I maintained a 4.2 GPA with my AP classes. I used dancing as my talent, but that soon turned into singing. I played softball, but I was a cheerleader as well. My older sisters, Arielle and Ariella, attended this school as well.

Now they're big models out in the world. Clarity was attending, but she moved back in the second quarter of the semester. Makayla and Adeline were my best friends back over there. We were like the three musketeers.

I pretty much got famous for being an artist who released an album and a single. I was more known for the dancing in all the music videos that was ever released.

Fans were upset that I announced I was going to move back to Canada and stay on the down low. That, of course, meant that I wouldn't be releasing anymore songs and I would be out of the public eye for a while.

"I love your work so much," the girl said with a smile. "But why did you decide to pretty much quit?"

"I've been away from home too long, and I wanted to be back," I replied simply.

You always have to be careful with what you say to your fans because you never know what will happen. She nodded at me understanding my situation. I gave Aidan a hug goodbye before Clarity and I headed home.

"I'm gonna take a nap, wake me up if you need anything," Clarity called out running up the stairs to her room.

All of a sudden I heard moans.

I was approaching my room to notice the moans were coming from William's room. Clarity came out of her room with an annoyed look on her face. She looked at me before nodding.

"Vyanna! William! If you guys don't keep it down, I'm ripping each individual hair on your body off!" Clarity shouted before going back to her room.

That was when the door bursted open with an angry looking Vyanna, but an embarrassed looking William behind her. I shook my head looking at them who were half naked. I went back to my room.

"Clarity!" I heard Vyanna shout.

Suddenly they both started arguing and I was confused on why. I thought they get along with each other and maybe this was normal for them.

"Shut up Vyanna! I know you were just doing that to get Christy upset or something!" Clarity shouted. "You were always jealous of what she has with William."

"You mean what she had with William," Vyanna corrected.

"No, anyone would be able to see the connection they still have," Clarity stated. "You're just blind from looking at yourself in the mirror too much."

"You two stop arguing!" I heard William's voice boomed. "Vyanna just leave, I will call you later."

"You're not gonna defend your own girlfriend?" Vyanna shrieked.

No words were said. I heard stomping before I heard the front door slam. I heard Clarity's door slammed shut as well. I knew William was the only one left in the hallway now.

I didn't even notice a few tears escaping my eyes until I touched my face.

I love you guys regardless, something new might be coming soon. xoxo
- christy

That caused an uproar on Twitter. Suddenly my name was trending on the worldwide trends. I officially decided after seeing the girl's eyes from today when I gave a pretty simple answer, I might release a few songs while I'm home.

Someone knocked on my door, then a paper slip under my door.

I got up in confusion before looking at the paper to see a drawing of me. In the corner, it was signed by Will. I opened the door to see no one in the hallway.

I smiled at the drawing.

It was a drawing of the picture Will took of me when we went to Hawaii. I went back inside and flipped over the paper. There was a sticky note attached to the back of it.

You always make me smile regardless of how far apart we are. - W

"How cute," I said with a grin under my breath.

I pinned the drawing onto my wall near my desk. That's something I will treasure forever.

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