A Village

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I kept chasing the man nonstop but then he got to a dead end all there was is a portal I got the chills when I stared at it, it had a ominous feel about it the man walked in I shouted "WAIT!" The man replied softly "We'll meet again....Aphmau"....Aphmau........that's my name....I remember nothing but a name it's a start...I hope

Garroth's P.O.V

I was still chasing her but then I needed to stop and catch my breath as I was about to stop to catch my breath the woman stood right before me I should probably introduce myself I pulled my hand out to shake hands with her and I said "Uhhh......ummm...hmmm" STUPID I was meaning to say hi and those were the words that came out *sigh* I did a face palm and then I realized she was in front of me so I gave a nervous laughter and look she giggled her laugh was adorable I loved it so I chuckled then I said "Hi, my name is garroth I am guard of Phoenix Drop" and she said "Nice to meet you Garroth" she then giggled "my name is aphmau, you seem like a funny guy hehe" I was wondering what happened in the chase so I asked "Do you know him she replied "No, I just saw him then followed hoping to see a village but when I saw one I still followed weird heh" I said " I have a village I am head guard of it would you like to stay there" she nodded so I led her to the village

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