Why Laurance....?

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Garroth's P.O.V

I was going to check on Laurance then when I was walking I saw someone in the forest I was walking towards that person he saw Laurance so I immediately hid in a tree and listened in when I got up the tree I.was.shocked WHY THE HELL WOULD LAURANCE DO THIS WE HAVE DONT NOTHING TO HIM WE GAVE HIM A PLACE TO CALL HOME!.....why Laurance....why? I listened into his conversation with only shock I still can't believe what I saw and heard he was making a deal with.......Zane and that's not the worst of it he...he...wanted to hurt Aphmau I'm not going to allow this


Aphmau's P.O.V

I was at Donna just checking in with her like I do normally I check with the villagers if their ok and then Garroth came running in Donna house while we were chatting and Garroth was panting I told him "Are you ok catch your breath I'd like you alive please *laugh*" Garroth replied "heh.....thanks......I guess?" I giggled Garroth said "your cute when you giggle errr I mean Aphmau can I talk to you in private please" Donna mouthed an awww and said once garroth said may I talk to you in private Donna looked shocked and said "take it easy tiger"

Garroth's P.O.V

Once Donna said that I blushed the brightest red ever and I said "GAHHHHHHHH I didn't mean that way" Aphmau started laughing really hard and then we both went to her house since I really didn't have one I mean the guard tower thing kinda is but it's not that private

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