I need a plan

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Aphmau's P.O.V

Laurance has been acting really odd these few days I haven't been hearing much of him and he'd always try to "talk" to me privately I'm starting to get worried about him I've been asking garroth if he knows what's wrong but he doesn't know he's as clueless and worried as me so I think I'm gonna go talk to garroth about watching over Laurance a bit

Garroth's P.O.V

I was patrolling around the village when Aphmau came to me and asked "were both worried about laurance so I'm gonna ask of you a favor" I replied "yes my lord" Aphmau then requested "can you watch over Laurance, well I don't wanna sound nosy but basically spy on him" I was quite surprised but it wasn't my place to say no and I was worried as well "Yes my lord I'm under your command" she then said "no need to be so formal *giggle* but it's cute thanks garroth" I blushed a maroon bright red and she said "Garroth...*she laughed* your blushing?" I replied "Oh...." I was even more embarrassed since she noticed I blushed she couldnt see but she could tell because i looked awkward and embarrased then I said "I'll be going now excuse me"

Aphmau's P.OV

Garroth is a nice guy and also a little to shy *sigh* but that's what makes every person unique and lovable their personality ANYWAY I'm glad garroth is going to check on laurance......well spy.....but it's for a good cause...right?

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