Fuck OFF

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On my way to school I decided to pick up some snacks then go and pick up Aniya for our first day of school so we could have it together. Like we planned.

So I went and picked her up first.So just in case she probably wanted to buy something at the store.

Once I got in front of her house she came out the door. she was looking good. She had on. A white shirt with colorful design,Tye dye skinny jeans with some pink blue and grey retro Jordan 4 spizikes With a high bun like me.

She came towards the car with a smile that spreaded from ear to ear. As she got in the car she buckled up.For safety.

"Hey girl wats good"

"Everything now that I have my bestfriend with me"

"Oo wow I love you to girl"

"I know we gonna head to the corner store so we can buy snacks just in case we ain't getting free lunch."

"Alright cool"

In less then two minutes we arrived at the store.We both got out and went in. I bought two mini hot sausages,chips,skittles and a Arizona. Aniya bought the same. We both have the same interest in snacks.we payed and left. Before I started the car I put my snacks in my bookbag so I wouldn't forget.

The ride to school was fun Aniya and I sang along with the radio and we didn't care how bad we sounded cause we knew we could sing.

10 minutes later we arrived at school with 15 minutes till school started which gave us time to find all our classes and know when are lunches were.

We got out and went to the cafeteria and got our schedules. We also meet up with Kenderria and Nadia on the way so we all walk together.

I had three classes with Aniya and one class with Kenderria and Nadia.

I had periods 2,4 and 6 with Aniya.An I had period 6 with Kenderria and Nadia. I was kinda disappointed but it was better then nothing.

We all went our seperate ways because we went to look for all our classrooms and on my way I bumped in to Shawn on the way and before I fell he caught me.

"Thanks sorry my fault"


Once I knew it was him I tried to run away cause I was still highly upset with him.He grabbed me before I had the chance.

"Let me go right now"

"Janaya you gotta listen to me I didn't play you it was my ex-girlfriend tryna get back together."

"Oo really because I've never seen someone's ex- girlfriend talk to an ex like the way she did"once I said that I broke free from his grasp on me

He ran after me and grabbed me again.

"Listen to me"he said when he grabbed me

"No just Fuck off ok I'm done its better for the both of us you have a girlfriend and I won't have to get hurt"

"I wasn't tryna hurt you just listen"

"FUCK OFF IM DONE"Then I ran to the nearest bathrooms because tears were rolling down my face. I hurried and fixed my makeup. I was done right on time because soon as I put all my stuff away the bell rang.

The day went by fast. While I went through the day I had 3 periods with Shawn plus lunch. Whenever he tried to communicate with me I would ignore him.

In my last class I had Kenderria,Nadia,Aniya,Brandon and my least favorite person Shawn. In my last class we had assigned seats and to continue my nightmare my seat was right next to Shawn.

While the teacher was explaining the rules. My phone in my pocket vibrated a little notifying me I had a text message.It was from Aniya.

Aniya:Brandon is giving me a ride home

Me:kk text me when u get home.


After that I didn't replied cause I knew the conversation was over. I was so bored. In every class the said the same things over and over again.

A couple of times Shawn tried to get my attention but i still ignored him. Finally the last bell of the day rang and school was over. As soon as it rang I speed towards the door because I didn't want to stay any longer in Shawn's presence and I didn't need to wait for Aniya.

I was overjoyed.

-Authors Note-

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It's not the best but I will be updating more tonight comment some ideas you have thnx and questions are welcome.

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