The Close Encounter

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Phil's POV

I feel myself froze. I would like to say that it's because I was caught red-handed looking into the boy's window, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that it was a lie. That it was because of the boy's eyes themselves that captured me.

I was brought back into reality when I noticed the boy slowly raise from the piano bench, his eyes still on the window. I could feel sweat start to bead up n roll down the back of the neck. I knew. I KNEW  I needed to get out of there, but my eyes couldn't break the connection.

When the boy backed out of the room and rounded a corner, breaking the eye connect between us. I blinked, my brain slowly reminding me that I need to get out of there. 

I had just managed to head in a nearby alleyway when I heard the front door open.

I was barely able to hear a timid voice call out, "Hello?  Is someone there? Mum?"

Uh, weird. He didn't see my face through the window?  Oh yea, I guess since it's dark and rainy out it would be a little difficult to see...I guess.

When the boy didn't get an answer, because obviously I wasn't going to say anything, he closed his umbrella and returned back inside.

After waiting a few more minutes to make sure it was safe, I left the creepy, dark alleyway.

I traveled and made my way home, taking my time since the rain was slowing down and I was already soaked. Well, that was weird. I wonder why my body didn't react like my brain was telling it to. I wonder if it had anything to do with him.  I shrug, oh well, it's not like I'm ever going to see him again.

Once I got to my apartment building, I climbed the stairs up to my floor. Unlocking and opening the door, walking inside.

It was weird, I was just going through the motions, I wasn't really thinking about anything.

I peeled off my wet clothes, cursing my skinny jeans as they stuck to my thighs.  When I finally got them off, breathing heavily after I had, I trudged my way into the bathroom and blast the hot water out of the shower head. I got into the shower straight away, trying to ignore the burning sensation of the hot water.

I just stood there in the hot water, letting it run over my head and make its way down my body until the water started to turn cold. I went ahead and finished washing my hair and body, getting out and drying off my body.

I walked out of the bathroom, into my bedroom, changing into a fresh pair of boxers and my Star Wars pajamas pants. I don't bother with a shirt since its supposed to be pretty hot and stuffy tonight in London.

I get into bed, but instead of going to sleep I just stare up at the ceiling. My mind buzzing with silent thoughts. I wasn't sure how my mind could be awake with nothing going on inside of it.

After several more hours of just staring and empty thoughts, my eyes start to droop, darkness claiming me.


I hope you guys enjoyed that little update <3 
lol  soz its so short  ;p

also sorry for any mistakes as  i wrote this pretty fast

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