The Stranger in the Window

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Hello there fellow Phandom family! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction so i hope that you all enjoy it and give me some constructive criticism.

In this fic Dan and Phil are not Youtubers and have never met before.
P.S. Phil is 22 and Dan is 18.



Phil was running down the street clutching a plastic bag that contained a board game to his chest.  "Why did I have to stop by that store when I knew it was going to rain! I'm so stupid!" Phil groaned. Phil balanced the board game into one arm and dug his phone out of his wet pants.

Phil panicked when he realized he was going to miss his bus if he didn't hurry, so with that thought in mind he doubled the speed he was already running at trying to make it to the bus stop. He was breathing heavily and his lung and legs were aching but he tried to ignore it thinking about the consequences of missing the bus.

Phil saw the bus stop on the horizon but he felt his stomach drop to his knees as he saw the bus closing its doors and start rolling away. Phil was exhausted, he was feeling sick with how much he was running, but he tried to push himself even more. He started to yell, hoping the bus would somehow miraculously hear him.

But it was proving to be futile, for as he was finally reaching the bus stop the bus was turning the corner. Phil, physically and emotionally exhausted, felt his knees give out on him forcing him to collapse into the wet ground. He wasn't sure how long he sat there in the rain, it could have been an hour for all he could tell. When he was finally able to lift himself off the ground, he noticed how soaked he was from staying in the rain for that long.

Phil knew he needed to get home as quickly as possible so he could get into a nice, warm shower and into a dry set of clothes before he got sick. With that in mind, he forced his wobbly legs to move forward down the sidewalk, moving him closer to his home.

After a while of mindless walking, Phil heard something. It was very soft and he didn't recognize the sound, but as he kept walking it started to get louder and louder. He then noticed a light coming from a window on the horizon and Phil realized that must be where the noise is coming from.  The closer he kept getting to the window, he started to realize that the noise he was hearing was actually music.

It was soft and very beautiful sounding and then it hit him, the delightful music was coming from a piano. As he was coming up on the window, he couldn't help but look into it, as if the music was drawing him in.

And what he saw took his breath away, through the panes of glass there was an amazing grand piano--black, glossy, it looked well taken care of. There were fingers dancing over the polished ivory keys, making it seem effortless even though the music itself was anything but. But what took Phil's breath away was the player of the piano--a young man, looking no younger than 17, brown chestnut hair that was curly. But what Phil couldn't believe was that the man's eyes were closed, he wondered how anyone could do that with all of the different keys, Phil knew he would get confused which is which just looking.

But the young man didn't seem to have those troubles with his eyes closed, his head slowly swaying from side to side and his hands and fingers flying around the length of the keys, he looked peaceful and happy.

Phil was fascinated, he couldn't bring himself to look away from the spectacular sight, even though in the back of his mind there was a voice saying that he was still standing in the rain and he needed to get home. That he at least needed to move on before the strange young man opened his eyes and noticed him outside his window.

Even though Phil realized that the voice was right and that he did need to move on--that he couldn't get caught, he couldn't help but get closer to the window. Which was his second mistake, for as he got closer he didn't see where he was stepping, resulting in him stepping and tripping over an empty bottle making him crash into the window.

Phil cursed his clumsiness, it's always embarrassed him before and maked a fool of him, but now it's interrupted him from the beautiful boy playing the music--wait did he just think that. He meant the boy playing the beautiful music, yeah that's what he meant.

But it didn't matter either way because when he finally looked back into the window, the boy's eyes were wide open and looking right at the window.


yep  im leaving it there cause im evil
i hope you guys enjoyed it and if you find any mistakes let me know so i can fix it  :)

until next time my luves  <3

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