9) Ocean

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Emma's POV

I was working and it was an unbusy day I was in the back taking care if the animals. When I heard the bell ring. I walked out and saw Milah.

"Hey how can I help you?" I ask her.

"Oh I just wanted to talk to you about something." She says to me.

"Sure whats up?" I say to her.

"I wanna do something special for Killian for out 6month anniversary tonight. Do you have any ideas?" She asks me.

"Umm what do you want to do?" I ask her.

"I dont know. Thats why I came to you." She says.

"Well Killian loves the ocean. Maybe a picnic by the ocean." I suggest.

"Thank you." She says and walks out.

I went back to work and my shift was almost over when the bell rang again. Belle, Regina, and Zelena all came running in. I made friends with then around the time Killian and I didnt speak.

"Hey guys whats up?" I ask them.

"Are you stupid?" Regina yells at me.

"Im sorry." I say to her.

"Emma have you lost your mind!" Zelena yells.

"Why are you all yelling at me?" I ask them.

"Emma they are just freaking out because on Zelena's shift at the store Milah walked in and bought a ton of stuff for a picnic by the ocean so she can surprise Killian. Plus she told Zelena that it was your idea." Belle says.

"Yeah so." I say to them.

"So you told the girl of the guy you like how to impress him." Regina says.

"Killian and I are just friends and thats all. He likes her and Im fine with it." I tell them.

"Emma you like Killian and you have since high school." Belle says.

"That was just a crush Im over it." I tell her.

"Emma your not over it Graham told us that you might be in love with him." Regina says.

"Look I have to go." I say walking to the back.

I staid in the back till they were gone. I locked up the shelter and got into my car. I drove past the beach and saw Killian and Milah sitting there enjoying each others company and my eyes started to tear up. I made my way back to the apartment and I went to my room and tried to get over these feelings.

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