Everyone knows Dean Ambrose as the lunatic of The Shield. No one ever thought that Dean Ambrose would have a soft spot or even heart.
That is... until Evolution targets the most important person in his life.
And that...
Is the NXT Women's Champio...
The guys and I were in catering, watching the show as we awaited our match against the Wyatts to come up.
Evolution was in the ring, running their mouths, as usual. We were still trying to figure out what that big ass present was in the middle of the ring.
"You're all probably wondering what's under this present... Well... It's what it looks like, a present... To The Shield... Mostly Dean... We want to prove a point... That you can't break Evolution... But we can break The Shield..." Triple H says.
We were confused. Triple H nods at Randy.
"Bring it up!" Triple H calls. (Video at the top. Just the part where the present goes up.)
Soon, a figure under a black sheet appeared. What the hell?
Randy smirks and then rips the sheet off. (Video at the top. Just the part where Mickie takes off the sheet, revealing Ashley. Ignore Trish and everything.)
Our eyes widened. Oh my god.
She tried to kick and and thrash but was bound by rope and her mouth was duct taped shut. She was also breathing heavily.
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She was in regular clothes
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And her hair was a mess. She also had a couple cuts and bruises on her face. Her mascara was smeared and running down her face.
"Ladies and gentleman, welcome your NXT Women's Champion, Rhea Ambrose!!" Triple H says.
Dean was seething.
"Miss Ambrose was on her way to have lunch with some friends when we decided to have some guys pay her a visit and pretend that Dean had sent them to bring her to his hotel room early in the morning... Rhea's poor NXT buddies were looking for her all day and still are. So, Dean... Shield... Let this be a message... Forfeit the match at Extreme Rules or the next time you see Rhea, she'll be in a hospital bed." Triple H says.
Saying we were raging is an understatement.
"Anything you have to say, Princess?" Triple H asks Rhea.
He pulls the rope down, from her mouth. She was still hyperventilating but you could see the fire in her eyes and the anger radiating off her body.
"My brother's gonna kick your ass!" She yells and then does a very brave and bold move.
Rhea Ambrose spits in Triple H's face.
He got angry.
They surround her. Dean sprints away and Seth and I follow.
Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. SHIELD.
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We run out and slide in as Evolution runs away. We turn to Rhea and Dean was already on his knees, cupping her face.
"You okay?!" He asks her.
She nods and he wipes the tears from her face and Seth unties her wrists and I untie her legs.
As soon as she was out, she wrapped her arms around Dean's neck. He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist.
He held her close and then she lets go and hugs Seth. He holds her close then let's her go.
She then hugs me and I hug her back. I lift her up and then put her back down. She goes back to Dean and hugs his torso and he wraps an arm around her and caresses her head.
He strokes her head and kisses it then helps her out of the ring. We follow as our music plays.
We go backstage and go straight to our locker room. Dean had Rhea in his arms the whole way there.
They sat on the couch and she curled up on his lap, leaning on his chest and he had his arms wrapped her, protectively.
Seth and I leaned on the wall, watching them like hawks. She clutched his vest and it looked like she was asleep but I can see her eyes were open.
"Babygurl." I say.
She turns to me.
"Are you okay? Honestly." I say.
She sighs.
"No..." She says.
"What happened? I wanna know everything." Dean says.
"I was on my way to have lunch with Becky, Alexa, and a few others at the diner two blocks down... I left the lobby and these two security guys come up to me and tell me that they were sent by Dean and you guys to come bring me to your hotel room because things were happening and you were just taking precautions." She says.
We nod.
"I got to an office and before I got out of the car, a rag was put on my face and I passed out from the strong smells of all the chemicals... I woke up... Tied to a chair. Then everything happened..." She says.
We nod.
"I'm sorry, baby sis." Dean says to Rhea.
"It wasn't your fault, Jon." She says.
"Yes it was, Spencer! If I would have just--" Dean begins but she cuts him off.
"I don't wanna argue right now, please just-" She says then cries into her brothers chest.
This is upsetting me. Rhea is a strong and brave ass girl so to see her this vulnerable is just sad.
After 5 minutes, she fell asleep in Dean's arms.
"We're gonna go after Evolution and we're gonna make them know to never mess with my baby sister... Just like we did in NXT." Dean tells us.
"Damn straight." I say.
He kisses her head and she cuddles into him and he holds her closer.