Everyone knows Dean Ambrose as the lunatic of The Shield. No one ever thought that Dean Ambrose would have a soft spot or even heart.
That is... until Evolution targets the most important person in his life.
And that...
Is the NXT Women's Champio...
I wasn't needed for a match tonight but Vince told me I was needed for a segment so I needed to come into work today and go to Hunter and Stephanie's office to find out my new storyline.
I walk to Hunter and Stephanie's office and knock on the door.
"Come in." I hear.
I walk in and see them both there.
"Oh, Ambrose." Hunter says.
"I'm here for the new storyline I'm in." I say.
"Here you go." Stephanie says, handing me a script.
I open it and read it. I was actually pleased with this storyline. I smile.
"Thank you." I say.
They nod and I leave.
I go to my locker room and change into my gear for tonight
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I adjust my boots and then go over the script one more time then make sure my hair and warpaint looked good before I leave. I walk to the guirella and wait for my que.
I hear my name get called and turn to see Paige.
"Hey." She says.
"Hey." I say.
"I thought you weren't working tonight." She says.
"Neither did I, until Vince called me and said he had a storyline for me and that the first segment was tonight. So here I am." I say.
"What storyline?" She asks.
"Rhea! Now!" I hear.
"Watch and see." I tell her before running out the curtain.
I run down the ramp to screaming fans and see Summer Rae hanging onto Romans leg.
Dean and Seth were occupied with the other opponents so I run over and grab Summer by the back of her hair and yank her back, making her release Roman's leg, and toss her to the floor.
She gets up and I duck from a closeline then nail her with Brain Damage
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then watch Roman spear Fandango for the win.
I smile and slide in the ring and walk up to Roman and raise his arm in victory.
"Here is your winner, Roman Reigns!" Lillian announces.
Roman looks at me and I couldn't tell what his emotions were.
Usually I was really good with that kind of stuff. Dean and Seth were so confused. I can tell Dean was fighting really hard to not break character.
Roman and I face each other then he places a hand on my lower back and his forehead on mine. I felt my heart racing and my breath hitching.
"So you're the girl I'm being put in a romance storyline with." He says.
"Yep." I say.
"Your brother's gonna kick my ass." He says.
I giggle and he laughs.
We pull away and then go the ropes. He sits on the middle rope and keeps it down for me so I get out and then he jumps off the apron.
I lean down and place my hands on his shoulders then he helps me jump down and onto the floor. We link arms and walk to the barricade with the guys.
Not a single fan sat down and not a single fan was quiet.
We get there and walk behind the curtain and start walking to the backstage area.
Jon was fuming.
Colby was nervous. As were Joe and I.
We got to the backstage area and were met with both locker rooms bombing us with questions. We did our best to answer them until everyone shut up once one face turned to us.
And that was the face of my big brother.
"Jon--" Joe starts but Jon holds a hand up.
"I just wanna know one thing... is this just a storyline or are you guys actually together?" Jon asks.
"Well... I mean I do have real feelings for your sister but we're not together. Out there, tonight, that was just a storyline." Joe says.
I was completely shocked. Joe has feelings for me?
I blush then look up and see Jon fuming even more.
"Ambrose, walk it off." I hear and turn to see Hunter.
Jon then storms off. Why is it whenever I get a guys attention or when I have a boyfriend, he flips?
"I'll try to talk to him." Colby says.
I nod then he pecks the side of my head before running after my brother.
I sigh then feel an arm wrap around me and look up to see it was Joe.
"Don't worry. He'll come around." He says.
"I hope so." I say.
He kisses my head then leads me off. Everyone wolf whistled and made their comments and noises while I blush. I think Joe did too.
He walked me all the way to my locker room. Which was a few feet away from the guys' locker room.
"I'll see you next week." He says.
"See you next week." I say.
He kisses my cheek and I blush before smiling and walking into my locker room. I close the door and take a deep breath.
I smile to myself and feel my heart do a flip. I can't believe Joe actually has feelings for me. I've always had a crush on him but I didn't think he'd ever return the feelings so I pushed it away.
But now... it's all changing.
And I wouldn't change a thing. Well... maybe I'd change my brother from getting mad and storming off to being accepting and stick by me.
I pack up my things and then go to my rental car. I put my things in the trunk then get in and drive off to the hotel.