Chapter 11: McMahons vs Ambrose

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So the girls interrogated the fuck out of me last night! They asked all the questions your best friends ask you after going on a date with a hot Samoan wrestler.

Anyways, I'm on my way to the ring because Stephanie McMahon and Triple H called me out. I haven't seen the guys yet.

I was in

I get to the entrance and hear my music begin

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I get to the entrance and hear my music begin

and walk out when the lyrics began.

I walk down the ramp as the fans cheer for me. I get in the ring and stand in front of The Authority.

I knew something like this was gonna happen. Dammit. One big ass headache.

"We saw the interview, Rhea. And we're not too happy about it." Stephanie says.

"I didn't expect you to be." I say, without a mic.

"You crossed a line, Rhea Ambrose. And it's gonna cost you everything dear to you." Stephanie says.

I shrug.

"So since you don't care about what happens to you, let me make you care. How about I meddle with the people you hold dear to you. Maybe I should fire Paige or your little friend, AJ Lee. Or one of the Bella's." Stephanie says.

I glare. I know she's just trying to rile me up.

"No? Ok... maybe if I fired your buddy, Seth Rollins... or your boyfriend, Roman Reigns... or maybe... haha... maybe I should fire that worthless brother of yours, Dean Ambrose!" Stephanie says.

Now this bitch knows she's crossing a line.

I didn't even think about it. I just swung and slapped the shit out of her. She was stunned to say the least.

I stood where I was

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I stood where I was. I don't regret any of this. I grab her mic and put it to my lips.

"You wanna mess with me, that's fine. Mess with my friends and my boyfriend, you're already crossing a thin line. But you mess with my brother and I will make your life a living fucking hell. You hear me, BITCH?" I ask then toss the mic at her feet.

I get out of the ring then walk up the ramp as the arena of fans cheered me on.

"Hey! Hey! Ambrose!" Triple H shouts.

I chose to ignore him as I made my way up the ramp.

"Look at me dammit!" I hear him shout as I got to the top so I turn to see Triple H.

"You're not gonna slap my wife, call her a bitch, and threaten her then just walk away with no consequences. So at Payback... you're gonna take on both Paige and Alicia Fox in a Triple Threat match for the WWE Divas Championship. But... there's gonna be a special stipulation. It's gonna be a title... vs career match. You don't have to be pinned to lose anything. You lose the match, you lose the title... and you lose your career. Forever... and I will make your brothers life a living hell." Triple H says.

I glare. I was then handed a mic.

"I accept. And I'm not worried about my boys, Hunter. Cuz at Payback... my man is gonna kick your vipers ass. My best friend is gonna take out your animal... and just like Vince has done to you for the past 11 years.... my brother is gonna make you his little bitch." I say.

Hunter was steaming. My music plays and I drop the mic before going backstage. Everyone was looking at me with worry and impressment.

I get to my locker room and walk in. As I was gathering my things, the door flew open.

"Are you insane?! You just committed career suicide!" Jon yells.

"I was defending myself and everyone I love! They think they own us but they don't! We may be employees for the WWE but we are not their property! We go out there every night and lay our bodies on the line so they can get rich off of us! I'm sick of it! And the female talent needs more female athletes so we can be respected again!" I say.

"I get that! I'm all for it but... Spence, they'll rip you apart! They will do any and everything to make sure you lose that fucking match! I don't wanna see you over FaceTime or video chat and have to visit you every few months or not see you all the time! I love seeing you every day and traveling with you! You're my baby sister!" He says.

"And I'm not going anywhere, Jon! I will fight until I can't fight anymore! You taught me that! Remember when I got jumped on my way to the liquor store for mom? I got home with my clothes torn up and a beat up face. What did you tell me when you found out?" I ask.

"I gave you the pocket knife she gave me when the same thing happened to me... and I told you what she told me... don't ever let that happen again..." he says.

I put my hands on his shoulders and had him look at me. I saw the fear and worry in his eyes. The same look he gave me when I was born. My mom always said my big brother did everything to protect me.

He was scared to death of the day I started dating. High school was a fun time. He dropped me off every morning, picked me up every day, took me to get food on the way home, brought me on the road with him from time to time.

I know how much I mean to my big brother. I'd never do anything to hurt him or leave him.

"I'm not leaving you, big brother. I'm gonna fight and I'm walking out the champion. I'm walking in a WWE employee, I'm gonna walk out a WWE employee." I say.

He nods and I kiss his cheek. He hugs me and holds me close.

"Just please be careful, penny. Please. I don't know what I'll do without you." He says, using my childhood nickname.

I give a smile.

"You'd be fine. You have Joe and Colby." I say.

"They're family, but you're my blood. You and Renee give me reasons to still be here." Jon says.

"No matter what, we'll always be together. No matter what happens, you gotta keep going." I say.

He sighs and nods. We pull away and he kisses my head.

"Come on. Colby and Joe are worried about you." He says.

We link arms and walk to the locker room where Joe instantly pulled me into a tight hug while Colby scolded me then hugged me too.

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