Yeah this is basically all communications

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I told my friend jerk that I would update from the beginning of class till the end and Dane Dehaan was just standing over me awkwardly haha it's a good thing he's my bud. "Whew, I was just shot" said by dear Dane Dehaan. I sit alone in this class and it's kinda lame. Professor X is talking now brb. He left for a moment so I can type. DANE LIKES TO SWEAR HOLY COW MAN. He is speaking of fondue haha "aren't you two fonduing" Captain America. Omfg Dane just said he was actually in a relationship with a person. No one is doing what they are supposed to. We are watching a video clip on some lame coding stuff. I'm too hungry to pay attention. So hungry it actually hurts. The lady speaking in the clip is actually very annoying. This may be the longest update yet. Professor X thinks that locking our screens will make up pay attention but he's wrong. Very wrong. Oh dear lord I hope X doesn't ask me a question on this I'm not paying attention at all. Ugh hunger pains are terrible my stomach acid is eating at my muscle which is very painful. I feel like my hair looks bad, but I look bad today so what ever. Shit I wasn't paying attention and now what the hell do I do hahaa. I'm a terrible person. Dane put his toque on and pulled it all the way down. "Man this toque is awesome, it looks like a homeless man's" he looks so disgusted right now hah. I'm trying not to laugh. I actually can't do a full on word for word thing on what dane says. I wish I could but I suck at existing. I need food so badly. Goddamn dane!!! He's listening to 'I will survive' and dancing along hahahaha bobbing his head to the beat. Snapping his fingers haha. Amusing af. Omfg I'm loving this trying so hard not to laugh!!! And here comes professor buzz kill. I don't know how to do this stuff. *stares blankly at screen* dane is trying to be funny haha no joke. His hat has a bunch of burn holes in It wtf. God he could be a comedian haha. Why is this even necessary for me to learn... school confuses me. Language Arts I understand. Math I sorta get. But when will I EVER need to know the periodic table of elements and the electric charges. Stomach pain overload. I quit. I'm done. Bye.

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