Same day

18 1 0

I was actually just yelled at for telling the truth. What am I supposed to do fucking lie uh no!
All I want is water. Dane was dancing and singing and it made my day!!!!!! Dane keeps playing music and it's actually the best thing ever! This class would be shit without him honestly. I was given a minute to get water, uh no one can get anywhere in 60 seconds who do you think I am the flash? Quicksilver? No I'm not that awesome. I wish though. "Frig you rick...dick" again said by Dane. He gets in trouble a lot by swearing haha. NO DANE WAS SENT TO THE OFFICE NOW MY LIFE SUCKS. Goddamn andrew lol. Can some people just shut the fuck up. Apparently not! I have an eye doctor appointment tomorrow and I fear they are gonna make me wear glasses all the time noooo. Actually I'm totally okay with this. Someone is making popping noises with their mouth and I want to pop them in the jaw!
💀💩L Hahah get it DEADPOOL HAHAHAHA. Okay that was lame I'm sorry. I'm so confused with this right now and Danes not here so I can't laugh at him. And I'm gonna go now. Again...  Danes back. But I'm gone bye.

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