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The arrogant friend-of-a-friend. Wasn't that where all unexpected love stories began? I couldn't stand the sight of him but he seemed to enjoy that. He thought I was secretly interested, and in my mind that was far from true. Our so-called 'similarities' weren't very significant to me, and the comparison was quite insulting, in fact. I didn't want to be caught dead acting like him. For quite the while I dreaded the unfortunate day we'd met, but soon things had changed..


My pleasant dreams were ever so rudely interrupted by the blaring of my marimba ringtone. The last thing I had wanted to hear that morning was that undeniably catchy yet infuriating melody. As I slid the unlock button across the screen, I noted that it was nine o'clock, at least two hours before phone calls would be acceptable. I grunted as I held it up to my ear. "Hello..?" I mumbled.

Holly's voice chuckled on the other end. "Max? You sound dead.."

"I feel it. Anyway, why the unnecessarily early call? That damn marimba is not what I had first on my list of pleasant things to wake up to," I moaned.

"You sound just like Harry!"


"Geez, you'd think you never listen to a word I say. He's that guy from my vocal group. I've told you about him plenty of times! He's always complaining about his marimba ringtone but he doesn't know how to change it."

"How are you dumb enough to not know how to change it?"

"What's your excuse then?" She challenged.

"I just never end up doing it.. It's one of those things where you remember at all the wrong times." I sighed, realizing how lame that sounded.

"Then do it now." She cut in sharply. "Anyway, speaking of Harry, I'm meeting him at the park today and I was wondering if you wanted to come. He's an absolute sweetheart! He's just like you, actually,"

"Calling me a sweetheart, huh? You're lucky I'm easy to flatter. And that I won't be able to fall back asleep again because of you." I paused for dramatic emphasis. "But fine, should I be on my way as soon as I can?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. See you soon, love ya!"

"Love ya, bye," I tried to sound as cheery as possible.

I heaved out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom to awaken my senses with a hot shower.

Tomorrow, I would sleep in.


I arrived at the park, immediately spotting my best friend sitting on a nearby bench with a rather good-looking guy. His hair was tossled in all directions across his head, going for that casual bedhead look, when I could tell that it had been carefully styled to perfection. His jade eyes glinted with the light of the sun. He looked at least 5 years older than us, but she had told me before that he had that older look about him, and was, in fact, nineteen. I slammed my car door behind me as I crossed the parking lot, pulling my canvas tote bag over my shoulder.

I waved with a smile. Holly waved back eagerly, yet Harry sat still with a smirk on his face, his left brow raised slightly and a dimple on his right cheek prominent. His expression was hard to read, so I shrugged to myself and continued to walk.

Holly slid over, further from Harry, leaving a gap for me in the middle as I reached the bench. "Took you long enough," she scoffed sarcastically, laughing at my innocent apologetic smile.

I squeezed between the two of them, not failing to notice that Harry's smirk had never left his face.

"Harry; Maxine, Max; Harry," she quickly introduced as Harry nodded. I furrowed my eyebrows at his unchanged expression.

"What?" I snapped.

His face broke into a full-hearted laugh and he winked in my general direction. "Sorry, nothing," his deep voice rang.

We began to converse, but I couldn't help but to feel uneasy. Harry's constant grin was unnerving, and he wasn't ashamed of his boldness.

Holly completely disregarded Harry as she turned to me with a sudden spark. "Oh! I didn't tell you! Niall finally asked me out!"

"He didn't!" My mouth opened with in shock. My best friend had been waiting for this for months. "When? Where? Oh my god this is great!"

"Friday, bowling and dinner! I'm so excited Max!"

Harry cleared his throat and let out a deep chuckle as he raised his eyebrows. Our attention was diverted to him as he pursed his lips.

"So, what about you, Maxine? You have a boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head reluctantly. "No,"

"And why is that?" He persisted.

"I'm busy with studies," I lied. "I haven't had much time for social stuff."

His eyes met with Holly's and he looked down at me with a look of false sympathy. I didn't like it, I felt like he was overpowering.

"It's summer."

Damn it. I knew something wasn't right about my excuse.

"Yeah, but you can never be too prepared!" I fought back nonchalantly.

He scoffed and shook his head. "You just can't get a guy to ask you out can you?"

My eyes widened at his outspoken response. "Excuse me? Of course I can,"

"Prove it. How many guys have asked you out in the past year?" Harry glared.

"Harry-" Holly started.

"No, let's see. Go for it, Maxine. List them." He pushed cockily.

"I can't remember any, okay? Why are you being such a jerk?" I defended.

"It's fun. Didn't you know?" He winked once more before I pushed up from the bench.

"Lovely to see you, Hol. Maybe we'll leave out the arrogant asshole next time we decide to go to the park. And if you plan on seeing him again, count me out." I stormed off, but before I could climb into the drivers seat of my Mini Cooper, I felt my wrist grasped by a strong hand.

"Hey, what's with the attitude? We were all having a great time until you got all touchy."

I whipped around to stare Harry straight in the face. "Me, touchy? Maybe you don't see the problem here. That's why I'm just going to leave." I yanked my wrist from his hold and continued to load my stuff into my car.

"Okay, I guess you're just in a bad mood. The next time we see eachother your period should be over and then you can maybe appreciate being around me." He spun his keys around his finger on the thick metal keyring. "Tomorrow?"

I rolled my eyes, but from what I'd heard from him already in that short afternoon, nothing would surprise me. "Keep dreaming," I grinned mockingly. I shut the door behind me in exasperation. "Bastard."

Tomorrow {A Harry Styles Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now