I'd hope not

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"When did you plan on telling me this?"

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head in confusion. "What? You think I knew you hated him? Hell, I didn't even know you knew him."

Shall I use a metaphor to explain my current feelings? Picture the day your parents sat you down and revealed the dreaded yet somehow suspected truth. Santa Claus isn't real. You knew that they intended no harm, they didn't know any better really, but suddenly your innocent make-believe world comes tumbling down. You were content with your current situation but they just had to ruin it. I felt that way with Gemma right now. In the back of my mind, the knowledge that she didn't know I had a 4 month hatred for her younger brother was present, but it wasn't prioritized in my thoughts. I suddenly felt different around her. She wasn't just my friend Gemma. She was the blood of the enemy.

"Maxine? Your stare could burn holes through my body, what's up with you?" She examined my expression held my cheeks between her hands. "Look at me.." She carefully purred. "Breathe. I am not Harry. Harry is not me. I'm not going to make you see him again."

"I'd hope not," I breathed in slight relaxation.

She raised a brow and pursed her lips, refusing to take this any further.

"So do you want to go shopping or something?" Her suggestion broke our icy wall and I nodded in enthusiasm.

"Yes! I'll just grab my stuff, can you driv-"

I stopped and as our eyes met she shot me an apologetic grin and nodded. That was sent as a silent confirmation of my suspicions.

"But your car's still in the shop..." I huffed, ready to change my mind and tell her 'No, absolutely not, I AM NOT letting your brother drive me', when I realized something. By not agreeing to go, I was letting Harry win. He didn't have to drive and I was let out of my Saturday of fun at the mall. I couldn't be so insistent that I was missing out by doing so. Yes. Instead he can be my chauffeur for the day.

I hesitantly nodded, my pace quickening as I became more sure of myself. "What the hell, let's go," I muttered.

"Are you serious? Yay!" Gemma pumped her fist up in the air and smiled. "Hurry and get your stuff, I'll have him here as soon as possible."

I began to make my way into my bedroom when I whipped back around, my ponytail rebounding and smacking me in the face just moments later. "You've really got him wrapped around your little finger, don't you?" I chuckled. "Anywhere, anytime, sounds nice,"

Good for you Gemma, I thought to myself.

"Let's just say he owed me for a while," she twitched her right eye quickly in a half-hearted wink.

It remained unclear on what she'd meant, but I let it go. She shooed me away to grab my wallet and purse as she turned on her heel, grabbing her phone to text Harry, I'd assume.

I gathered my things in a record breaking time, if I might say, and just as I joined her back in the front hall, I heard the beeping of a car horn in my driveway.

"Wow. He's fast," she noted, nodding her head in approval.

I bit my lip and promised myself then and there to remain neutral around Harry, not screaming and crying, but surely not being kind whatsoever. I locked the door behind us and followed Gemma into the backseat.

"Hey, thanks for coming, could you drop us off at the west entrance of the mall please? Thank you," she grinned cheekily, knowing he had no other choice.

"Oh, you know I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for..." He dragged off the end if his sentence when he saw my gaze through the rear view mirror.

"Hey! Maxine, right? Remember me?" His face brightened, but I kept my stare cold and unwelcoming.

"Yeah, I remember," I muttered rather unenthusiastically.

"Holly says you two aren't friends anymore..?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded my head, refusing to lift my eyeline from the floor. So we didn't just eat into a fight, she had to make a point that we weren't friends anymore? I sighed and reopened my eyes.

"Why's that?" His tone seemed innocent, but each and every word he spoke made me cringe. Didn't he know when to give it a rest?

"Someone got in our way." I mumbled.

"Like a guy?" Stop pushing it, Harry.

"Yeah, but not in the way you'd think. He was being an ignorant jerk to me and she took his side, and it went from there."

He looked through the rear view mirror again to find contact with my wandering pupils. His deep green irises were burning through my own. For a moment I almost felt my heart skip a beat.


No I didn't.

I looked away nervously and he finally took a hint, I didn't want to talk any more.

The rest of the drive was silent on my part, as I stared out the window and ignored the pointless back-and-forth between Harry and Gemma.

We pulled up into the parking lot, and after thanking her brother mockingly, Gemma climbed out into the sidewalk. I was about to follow on her heels when a large hand grabbed mine, restricting me from moving any further.

"Look. I know what you were talking about," I whipped my head around to find those same shining emerald eyes.

"I know I was being a jerk, and I completely deserve the way you're treating me." Oh, so he had noticed. "I didn't know the reason of your fight until now.. Holly wouldn't tell me, I guess all in good reason. But I just want to let you know that I don't know what got over me that day. I guess you were different from other girls and I wanted to get your attention really badly. And I know now that it was stupid, I was just trying to pull of some dumb act and it totally backfired. So.. Are we clear?"

I was just about to nod. I froze.

Stay strong Maxine. He is the enemy, he is trying to manipulate you.

I finally found the courage to speak. "Unlike whatever you did with Gemma, this can't be repaid by a little drop-off at the mall. We aren't 'clear', thanks, but I don't plan on seeing any more of you if I can help it, so you shouldn't worry too much. Thanks for the drive. Bye."

I kept frank and cold and I ripped my hand from his grasp.

His smile of hope softened to a disappointed frown, then to an angry glare. "Fine. Then I'm not sorry. Because you're obviously a moody bi-"

Gemma opened the car door and caught Harry mid-word. "You coming?"

I examined Harry's frazzled face.

"Yeah. I'm done here."


Hi guys! This updates really short, sorry :/ I figured its better than nothing though, right?

Ooh tension between Harry and Max! I sense a rivalry coming on what about you ;)

By the way if you would follow my instagram @backofflou_hesmine I'd love you forever and you can listen to my unintelligible weirdness.

Thanks for reading!

-Charlotte ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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