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Who would've guessed that a simple half hour at the park could have completely destroyed me. I spent the long days studying, but I found no consolation in my peaking averages and high percentages. I had classmates I talked to every once in a while, sure. But nothing could quite compare to my longtime best friend.

A free Saturday afternoon would be spent on my laptop, a rainy Monday evening spent watching depressing films all alone. And when I was left to my own thoughts, all that was there was the echoing laugh of the enemy. Was he amused? Without a doubt, highly. Holly would turn to him and only him, and the nuisance best friend was out of the picture.

My own personal picture, however, was becoming more and more condensed as time passed painstakingly slow. The world was shut out and gradually, everything else was cropped. Everything but myself. My freshly gloomy self. It took an effort of a thousand men just to leave my own personal haven each and every morning to make it down for classes. My breath of fresh air was found in only one thing.

Harry Styles wasn't there.


The crisp November air hit my face in one sharp blast as I paced out of the building.

I heard a faint voice behind me, but it was left ignored as I focused on one and only one thing; making it to my car alive.

The swarms of people crowded around me made me uncomfortable as their cars bolted around the corners of the parking lot, dodging people, pylons, and anything else that dared to get in their way. People chatted about their Friday night plans and what colour nail polish they'd be applying for their date next week. I was sick of it all, and just as my car appeared into sight-


Gemma. "Would you just slow down?"

I squeezed my eyes shut in hopes for some composition. It gave me slight relaxation, but far from the amount I needed. I spun around and shot her a weak apologetic smile.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "Friday night rush, right?"

"That, or you're being particularly ignorant today," she teased with a knowing smirk. Something had always seemed familiar about that cheeky half-smile, but I could never put my finger to it.

"Rough day," I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders as I spoke.

"Hey. C'mere." She held her arms open in preparation for a hug, in which I gladly accepted.

Gemma was quite a few years older, but she had come back to Greendale to receive an extra degree for a job offering she was interested in. And me, well I had taken an advanced psychology course and was keen to take anyone who would be willing to befriend me. These past few months she had been the big sister I'd never had, and having her help me through everything lifted my spirits up even when she was too busy to hang out. I had to understand, after all, that she was older and she had commitments.

I sighed as she let go and smiled in reassurance.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but my brother's picking me up today. My car's at the shop," she explained, throwing a piece of her flowing brown hair off of her shoulders.

"I thought you only had a 'baby brother'?" I confirmed, furrowing my eyebrows and causing my forehead to crease.

She chuckled and shook her head no. "I guess I'm just used to him being littler than me. No, he's your age."

"Oh.." I met her gaze and looked back down immediately.

A beat up navy blue Honda Civic rolled into the lot carelessly. The windows were tinted, but I could see the outline of a figure sitting at the driver's seat.

"That's him. Gotta go, see ya MaxiPad!"

"You promised you'd never call me that again!" I whined, failing to keep a straight face as she quickly climbed into the passenger seat. She shot me a wink jokingly and waved goodbye. The door slammed behind her and I couldn't help but double-take at the quick flash I had seen of the boy behind the wheel.

No. It couldn't be.


That night I spent watching old YouTube videos of supposed 'talking' animals. Not a lively party, but it wasn't the worst I could be doing.

It was nearing 11:30 when I received a text that made my eyes bug out of my head.

From: Gem💎

Do you know a Harry Styles, perhaps?

I thought of all the ways I could possibly reply, but in case they were friends, I played it safe. I didn't need another Holly incident.

To: Gem💎

Unfortunately. :/

I tapped at the back of my phone case as I impatiently awaited her reply. If she knew Harry, she didn't like him did she? I couldn't stand being with her if she admired the likes of a person as rude as him. I was just ready to click on a suggested video to ease my wandering mind as my phone vibrated, signaling a new text.

From: Gem💎

Unfortunately? .. Anyway, he said he thought he recognized you

What? She had been talking to him.. And I came up?

To: Gem💎

Yes unfortunately. Stupid guy stole my best friend. Can I ask how you know him, and why, of all people, you were talking about me?

Her reply came quicker than the last.

From: Gem💎

Oh this is awkward.. He's my brother.

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