Ni-Ju // Yuki

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Ranma 1/2 is my shit. I made a new story but it's on MeNoticeSenpai-x
Sorry for the lack of updates, I had a busy weekend.
~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques


5 weeks later ( y'all know what's up ;) )

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

"'s 4 am."

"I know, but I'm hungry." Ichigo whined. He has been hungry a random times during the day. He also have been having these weird cravings.

"Then go downstairs and make yourself something." Grimmjow muttered and turned over.

"But I want tacos and chicken nuggets. We don't have chicken nuggets." Ichigo whined again. Grimmjow sighed and rubbed his face. He was practically done with Ichigo and his weird food cravings.

"Baby, just make some leftover tacos. I'll get some chicken nuggets after I take you to school." Grimmjow said.

"Why do you hate me so much!" Ichigo cried out, tears streaming down his face. Grimmjow sat up quickly and looked up at Ichigo in shocked. He quickly pulled the crying boy into a hug.

"Babe, why are you crying?" Grimmjow asked as he rubbed Ichigo's back.

"I-I don't know." Ichigo said, quietly. Grimmjow sighed and laid down, pulling Ichigo on top of him. Ichigo laid his head down on Grimmjow's chest.

"Just go to sleep, babe." Grimmjow muttered. Ichigo nodded and closed his eyes.


"Ichigo! How many times do I have to tell you to wash the fucking dishes?!"

"I don't want to wash the dishes!"

"You do nothing but go to school and stay home all day! You could at least do is clean!" Grimmjow shouted.

"No, I don't want to!" Ichigo stomped his foot. Grimmjow's face was turning red. He had enough of Ichigo's attitude.

"Go upstairs to the punishment room, now!" Grimmjow shouted, pointing to the stairs.

"Ugh! I hate you!" Ichigo shouted and ran out the room.


Well, shit.

~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques

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